Sunday 6 September 2015

Can Vauxhaul Movano J16104 fit on Condor Ferries?

Dear Condor

I have booked a van "Over 2.25m high".[Booking Ref: 7027419 ] In fact the van is 2.2 but I decided to be cautious! I am therefore concerned that you advise the following..

The fares quoted online are valid only for standard vehicles or camping/luggage trailers used for leisure travel reasons and so do not apply to exceptional vehicles including but not limited to panel sided vehicles, trailers (other than those listed on our Taking your trailer page) and any other vehicles designed for the carriage of goods regardless of whether you are booking for commercial or leisure reasons.

I have a camper van, the size of a mini-bus and have declared the make, model and type.

Are you able to take my van in your boat?

Mob 07797762051