Tuesday 29 November 2011



There is a Jersey Triathlon FaceBook page at http://www.facebook.com/groups/141913405842582/?ref=ts

Below are some notes which might help you get started.


Winter is a great time to start triathlon training because it is ‘back to basics’ time. There is coached swimming on Monday evenings at AquaSplash at 8pm (I think) and many swim at 6:30 am on Wed, Thurs and Fri, although it is a while since I was last in the pool. I know there are a bunch who also swim at 12noon. The coached swimming is excellent since it is about technique not speed, and the coach is really patient and very good.


I run spinning classes at BodyRox on Tues 7:30am and Wed 5:45pm. There are membership and pay-as-you-go options. I also run a 7pm class on Thursdays just for Triathletes. This is a great way to get fit away from the wind, rain, darkness and traffic. There are also club rides on Saturdays and Sundays at 8:30am from the Gunsite cafĂ©. The Velo Cycling Club also have a club ride from the Steam Clock at 9am on Sat and Sun – if you think 8:30am is a bit too early.


The Spartans run on Tuesdays from West Park at 6pm. These are good and fun sessions. I might also start doing additional run sessions, but not really decided yet. There is FaceBook page called “Run Jersey” and a couple of other web-based running groups/clubs.

See http://www.facebook.com/pages/Run-Jersey/209278752443250


I 'retired' from Triathlon in 2006 after the Commonwealths but still swim, bike, run as well as rowing etc., although not competitively anymore!

I also have a website http://www.timhjrogers.com/pt/triathlon.html
This contains advice on swim, bike and run.

Swim http://www.timhjrogers.com/pt/swim.html
Some suggested sessions and video etc

Bike http://www.timhjrogers.com/pt/bike.html
Some Q&A and some 'How To' Guides at the bottom of the page

Run http://www.timhjrogers.com/pt/run.html
Some notes about running

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