Friday, 30 December 2011

Calling all adventurists

ad·ventur·ist - Involvement in risky enterprises without regard to proper procedures and possible consequences, especially the reckless participation in exploits or affairs of regions.

We rather admire However we embrace being amateurs and extraordinary gentlemen (and quite possibly women too) for whom challenge is not tourism but personal discovery followed by a cup of Earl Grey.

In that spirit I would like to propose that collectively we all come up with a challenge and better of us will be the person who performs the best across all the challenges. In order for a challenge to be valid it must not be boring, but should be difficult and preferably legal. It must be accepted by at least three people and completed by at least one.

Please email me your challenges to and I will create a web-page to post these for everyone to see any anyone to participate. If you have a specific date or venue you need to explain this in your challenge.

Please be clear, this is not a club or a business. If you are mad enough to come up with an idea and daft enough to do it you do so at your own risk. See

As a starter perhaps think about Tough Guy (cross-country run + assault course = mud, sweat and beers) on 29 January 2012

Tony Williams Cascade Intervals

This is the Tony Williams session called Cascade Intervals
Ride at 100rpm cadence, eg 10 strokes each 6 seconds

Warm-up 10min
1.Hard ride 4mins then Easy Ride 2mins
2.Hard ride 3mins then Easy Ride 2mins
3.Hard ride 2mins then Easy Ride 2mins
4.Hard ride 1mins then Easy Ride 2mins
5.Hard ride 1mins then Easy Ride 2mins
6.Hard ride 2mins then Easy Ride 2mins
7.Hard ride 3mins then Easy Ride 2mins
8.Hard ride 4mins then Easy Ride 2mins
Recovery ride, 15min
Cool-down 5min

This is the Tim Rogers playlist
(tracks amended to fit the time as best as possible)

1 Gone Shootin\' 5:06 24/10/2008 21:39 AC/DC Powera -- 0:05:06 mins
2 Good Feeling 4:07 26/11/2011 17:03 Flo Rida Good -- 0:09:13 mins
3 Track 04 4:04 28/11/2009 14:56 spinn_feb2006 spin -- 0:13:17 mins
4 Track 04 1:58 28/11/2009 14:55 supa funky cd1 sup -- 0:15:15 mins
5 Somebody Told Me 3:18 15/08/2007 20:40 The Killers -- 0:18:33 mins
6 Put Your Hands Up For Detroit 2:08 22/10/2007 22:3 -- 0:20:41 mins
7 Ready To Go 2:40 16/07/2007 21:10 Republica 60 Wor -- 0:23:21 mins
8 Sofa Song 2:13 22/05/2007 22:22 The Kooks Inside -- 0:25:34 mins
9 TW_1min_effort 1:10 30/12/2011 10:32 1 30/12/2 -- 0:26:44 mins
10 Track 08 2:03 22/05/2007 22:22 kula shaker kula s -- 0:28:47 mins
11 TW_1min_effort 1:10 30/12/2011 10:32 1 30/12/2 -- 0:29:57 mins
12 Sofa Song 2:13 22/05/2007 22:22 The Kooks Inside -- 0:32:10 mins
13 Ready To Go 2:40 16/07/2007 21:10 Republica 60 Wor -- 0:34:50 mins
14 Put Your Hands Up For Detroit 2:08 22/10/2007 22:3 -- 0:36:58 mins
15 Somebody Told Me 3:18 15/08/2007 20:40 The Killers -- 0:40:16 mins
16 Track 04 1:58 28/11/2009 14:55 supa funky cd1 sup -- 0:42:14 mins
17 Track 04 4:04 28/11/2009 14:56 spinn_feb2006 spin -- 0:46:18 mins
18 Good Feeling 4:07 26/11/2011 17:03 Flo Rida Good -- 0:50:25 mins
19 DANi CALFORNiA 4:40 22/05/2007 22:22 RED H0T CHiLi -- 0:55:05 mins

Monday, 19 December 2011

Tony Williams set, put to music

This is the Tony Williams session called 10min tempos

Warm-up 5min
Tempo ride 80% + effort, 98rpm cadence, 10mins
Recovery ride, 5min
Tempo ride 80% + effort, 98rpm cadence, 10mins
Recovery ride, 5min
Tempo ride 80% + effort, 98rpm cadence, 10mins
Recovery ride, 5min
Cool-down 5min

This is the Tim Rogers playlist (tracks amended to fit the time)

1 Track 09 5:25 28/11/2009 14:56 spinn_feb2006 spin -- 0:05:25 mins
2 TonyWilliams001 10:19 19/12/2011 15:46 -- 0:15:44 mins
3 Hard As A Rock 4:32 24/10/2008 21:39 AC/DC Hard A -- 0:20:16 mins
4 TonyWilliams002 10:32 19/12/2011 16:03 -- 0:30:48 mins
5 Lust For Life 5:14 03/07/2011 10:49 Iggy Pop Lust -- 0:36:02 mins
6 TonyWilliams003 9:54 19/12/2011 17:24 -- 0:45:56 mins
7 Good Feeling 4:07 26/11/2011 17:03 Flo Rida Good -- 0:50:03 mins
8 DANi CALFORNiA 4:40 22/05/2007 22:22 RED H0T CHiLi -- 0:54:43 mins

TonyWilliams 1 - Faithless compilation
TonyWilliams 2 - Edited Christopher Lawrence - Rush Hour
TonyWilliams 3 - Compilation from Solar Spectrum

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Playlist 111214 for Spinn Class

Playlist 111214 for Spinn Class

1 Miscalate - Original Mix 8:33 31/07/2011 17:22 Aud -- 0:08:33 mins
2 Track 12 8:20 28/11/2009 14:56 spinn_feb2006 spin -- 0:16:53 mins
3 Track 09 5:25 28/11/2009 14:56 spinn_feb2006 spin -- 0:22:18 mins
4 Live Wire 5:50 17/07/2011 17:28 Ac/Dc High Voltag -- 0:28:08 mins
5 Hard As A Rock 4:32 24/10/2008 21:39 AC/DC Hard A -- 0:32:40 mins
6 Personal Jesus 4:07 12/05/2007 11:47 Marilyn Manso -- 0:36:47 mins
7 Burn it to the Ground 3:31 14/03/2010 16:19 Nickel -- 0:40:18 mins
8 Little Angel 2:52 31/07/2011 17:03 Hard-Fi Once U -- 0:43:10 mins
9 Boogie Man 4:07 03/07/2011 11:06 AC/DC Ballbreake -- 0:47:17 mins
10 Track 09 6:54 28/11/2009 14:56 spinn blue 60 spinn -- 0:54:11 mins
11 Thunderstruck 4:53 07/03/2010 11:15 AC/DC The Raz -- 0:59:04 mins
12 Gone Shootin\' 5:06 24/10/2008 21:39 AC/DC Powera -- 1:04:10 mins
13 DANi CALFORNiA 4:40 22/05/2007 22:22 RED H0T CHiLi -- 1:08:50 mins
14 Empire 3:25 05/11/2007 21:09 Kasabian Empire Pop -- 1:12:15 mins
15 Valentine - Original Mix 7:21 22/05/2007 22:22 Ste -- 1:19:36 mins

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Quick update on triathlon winter training in December

Swimming (2-3 lanes) - coach, Steve Hickson on
5 December 2011 and 12 December at 7.00pm at Aquasplash (1 hour)

Spinning - coach, Tim Rogers on Thursday 8 December 2011

Swim/Spin training to resume in the new year.

Remember to get your membership booked on-line:
Cheers all
