Wednesday 11 January 2012


I am doing possibly too much cycling and not enough swimming and running. If anyone wants to team-up to train together I am happy to do that. An ideal approach to training would be…


At least 4 x per week swimming of 1500 to 2500 meters depending on how good you are.

Examples (7am or 12noon at Aqua Splash)

2 x (400m as 50 drill 50 swim, then 400m swim) = 1600m.

400m warm 10 x 100m off 2mins then 400m cool = 1800m.

200m warm, 400m drills, 5 x 100m off 2mins, 10 x 50m off 1min, 400m cool = 2000m.

400m warm, 5 x (200m off 4min + 100m of 2min)=1900m

400m warm, 10 x 200m, 5 x 50m, 200m cool = 1850m


At least 3 runs per week 1 x fast/strong eg hills, sprints 1 x fast tempo/fartlek 1 x steady endurance


Club rides from Gunsite at 8:30am or Steam Clock at 9am on Sat or Sunday

Turbo / Spinn 10mins warm, then 3 x (10mins hard, 5mins easy), 10mins cool


At least 3 runs per week, similar to running 2 hard (eg intervals) and 1 long steady endurance


Hills Session 7 x Sprint-up, jog-down, no-recovery. Westmount, Blood Hill or Queens Road

Track Session 2m warm, then 7 x 800mts fast, followed by recovery (rest = work), 2m cool

Fartlek Session 40mins on hilly course, cruise and surge every 4mins for 1minute

Intervals Session to St Aubin and back, jog 2 shelters, sprint 1 shelter, all the way

Tempo 1m warm, then 4 x 1mile fast, followed by recovery (rest = work), 1m cool

Long Steady 8m+ Grouville to St Caths and back or Town to St Aubin & back

Since I’m spinning 5 x weekly I’m a bit tired but 6pm Tuesday nights from the steam clock would be good for a session, and I can do my long steady on the weekend, and possibly squeeze in a circuit of Queens Valley during the week.

So my diary/plan might be..

Try and swim either 7am before work or 12pm lunchtime

Mon 6:45am spin at DW Health (which for me includes 15miles of commute!)

Tues 7:30am spin at BodyRox and 6pm run from Steam Clock

Wed 5:30pm spin at BodyRox

Thur 7:00pm spin with Tri Club or 5:30pm swim on day’s when I’m not doing this

Fri 5:45pm spin at DW Health (including long commute)

Sat – probably easy bike + run

Sun – probably easy/long run

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