Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Training for the European Triathlon Championships

Training for the European Triathlon Championships

Over the next couple of weeks I intend to blog about my training and some of the great support and advice that I have had along the way. I will also talk about the trials, successes and failures of trying out some of these ideas.


I am thinking about participating in 2014 ETU Triathlon European Standard Distance Championships (Kitzbühel, Austria June 19 2014 - June 22 2014) by competing in Anglian Water Standard Distance Triathlon - 22 September 2013. I have competed in Triathlon before: in 2006 I was capable of completing a Triathon in 2hours 3mins, but 8 years later I am aiming for an altogether slower time, but which may possibly more challenging to achieve!

Advice I have received

Mike Gratton, former winner of the London Marathon once told me running twice a day is better than running daily. I recently saw an excellent article in Runners World explaining this. (See Link 1)

Dan Halksworth, pro-triathlete and winner of UK Ironman suggested with 8 weeks to got to bin the swim drills and start work on speed. Reps of 25, 50 or 100, or also 400’s. He for example will do warm-ups and then 8 x 400, or 40 x 100 before a warm-down. Whilst I’m not that good the principle seems sensible.

Mark Nicole, fab triathlete suggested that I reduce the volume (I train 19 hours per week) and aim for speed. This is consistent with Dan’s comments. He also suggested I focus on better nutrition including fuelling during training to be able to train harder, faster better.

Advice I tried so far

I keep my training log on-line (see Link 2). Today my swim comprised 400m warm-up then tried 10 x 100 in 1:35 pace off 2:15 (provided there were not slower swimmers in the way!) I managed 8 x 100 before I got tired and slowed to 1:40 pace. I then rested and did 200 cruise before doing the final 2 x 100, but now was tired and only managed 1:40 pace. I decided to stop then, rather than practice going slow!

This evening I my run session was 1 mile repeats: Run Interval1 1.8 miles 00:08:00 warm-up Run Interval2 1 miles 00:06:20 effort against wind Run Interval3 1 miles 00:05:55 effort with wind Run Interval4 1 miles 00:06:05 effort against wind Run Interval5 1 miles 00:05:40 effort with wind Run Interval6 1.8 miles 00:08:00 warm-down Run Total 7.6 miles 00:06:40 avg.


I think this structured approach may be just the right thing for the next 8 weeks!

Link 1

Link 2

If you have any comments or advice either for me, or others reading this blog please do get in contact with me

Tim HJ Rogers

Saturday, 27 July 2013

Run Training Plan for ETU Triathlon Championships 22 September 2013

I hope to participate in 2014 ETU Triathlon European Standard Distance Championships (Kitzbühel, Austria June 19 2014 - June 22 2014) by competing in Anglian Water Standard Distance Triathlon - 22 September 2013. Might change by Granite Man (Half Ironman) training for something shorter and sharper with a view to doing the ETU Triathlon Championships

I have even bought me a new garmin to get more scientific with my training! Recently I have  found all my bike rides at just 100heart rate and my runs are ploddy at 130heart rate. I just don't seem to have any umph! and I think I need to train shorter, harder and faster.

Sun 28/Jul/13 SUNDAY 90 mins Run
Mon 29/Jul/13 MONDAY 45 mins Run
Tue 30/Jul/13 TUESDAY 8 x 2 mins at 10km pace with 2 mins jog recovery between efforts
Wed 31/Jul/13 WEDNESDAY 45 min Run
Thu 01/Aug/13 THURSDAY 30 min run – last 10 mins at marathon pace
Fri 02/Aug/13 FRIDAY Rest
Sat 03/Aug/13 SATURDAY Morning – 30 mins easy/Afternoon - Circuits of a park alternating 1 min at faster than normal pace / 1 min at slower than normal pace x 10 each
Sun 04/Aug/13 SUNDAY 90 mins steady
Mon 05/Aug/13 MONDAY 45 mins Run
Tue 06/Aug/13 TUESDAY 8 x 2 mins at 10km pace with 2 mins jog recovery between efforts
Wed 07/Aug/13 WEDNESDAY 45 min Run
Thu 08/Aug/13 THURSDAY 30 min run – last 10 mins at 10km pace
Fri 09/Aug/13 FRIDAY Rest
Sat 10/Aug/13 SATURDAY Morning – 30 mins easy/Afternoon - Circuits of a park alternating 1 min at faster than normal pace / 1 min at slower than normal pace x 10 each
Sun 11/Aug/13 SUNDAY 90 mins steady
Mon 12/Aug/13 MONDAY Morning – 30 mins easy/Afternoon - 45 mins easy
Tue 13/Aug/13 TUESDAY 4 x 1 mile efforts at 10km pace.
Wed 14/Aug/13 WEDNESDAY 60 min Run
Thu 15/Aug/13 THURSDAY Morning – 30 mins easy/Afternoon – 45 mins easy
Fri 16/Aug/13 FRIDAY 30 mins easy
Sat 17/Aug/13 SATURDAY 30 min Jog
Sun 18/Aug/13 SUNDAY 5km race or time trial
Mon 19/Aug/13 MONDAY 30 mins easy
Tue 20/Aug/13 TUESDAY 6 x 1,000 m at 5km pace – 3 mins recovery between each
Wed 21/Aug/13 WEDNESDAY Morning – easy 30 mins/Afternoon – 60 mins steady
Thu 22/Aug/13 THURSDAY Morning – easy 30 mins/Afternoon – steady 30 mins followed by 10 x 200m
Fri 23/Aug/13 FRIDAY Rest
Sat 24/Aug/13 SATURDAY 16 x 1 min running up shallow hill – walk back down recovery
Sun 25/Aug/13 SUNDAY 90 mins steady
Mon 26/Aug/13 MONDAY Morning – 30 mins easy/Afternoon – 45 mins Run
Tue 27/Aug/13 TUESDAY On fairly straight uninterrupted route run 10 mins at 10km pace – 10 mins recovery – run 10 min back trying to get to pass your start point
Wed 28/Aug/13 WEDNESDAY Morning – 30 mins easy/Afternoon – 60 mins steady
Thu 29/Aug/13 THURSDAY Morning – easy 30 mins/Afternoon – steady 30 mins followed by 10 x 200m
Fri 30/Aug/13 FRIDAY Rest
Sat 31/Aug/13 SATURDAY 16 x 1 min running up shallow hill – walk back down recovery
Sun 01/Sep/13 SUNDAY 90 mins steady
Mon 02/Sep/13 MONDAY Morning – 30 mins easy/Afternoon – 45 mins Run
Tue 03/Sep/13 TUESDAY Up and down the clock – run 1 min fast/1 min slow, 2 mins fast/ 2mins slow, 3 mins fast/3 mins slow/4 mins fast/4 mins slow, 5 mins fast/5 mins slow, the 4, 3, 2, 1 min back down.
Wed 04/Sep/13 WEDNESDAY Morning – 30 mins easy/Afternoon – 60 mins Run
Thu 05/Sep/13 THURSDAY Morning – 30 mins easy/Afternoon - 10 min warm-up – 20 min Tempo run (10 km race pace) – 10 mins warm-down
Fri 06/Sep/13 FRIDAY 30 min easy
Sat 07/Sep/13 SATURDAY Rest
Sun 08/Sep/13 SUNDAY 75 min run
Mon 09/Sep/13 MONDAY Morning – 30 mins easy/Afternoon – 30 mins easy
Tue 10/Sep/13 TUESDAY 3 sets of 4 x 300m at 3 km pace with 100 m jog recovery between efforts/3 mins standing recovery between sets.
Wed 11/Sep/13 WEDNESDAY 60 mins steady
Thu 12/Sep/13 THURSDAY Morning – 30 mins easy /Afternoon – 30 mins easy
Fri 13/Sep/13 FRIDAY Rest
Sat 14/Sep/13 SATURDAY 20 x 1 min running up shallow hill – walk back down recovery
Sun 15/Sep/13 SUNDAY 45 mins run/walk
Mon 16/Sep/13 MONDAY 45 mins Run
Tue 17/Sep/13 TUESDAY 10 mins warm up – 10 x 200m with 200m walk/jog recovery– 10 min warm down.
Wed 18/Sep/13 WEDNESDAY 30 mins easy
Thu 19/Sep/13 THURSDAY 30 mins easy
Fri 20/Sep/13 FRIDAY 30 mins easy
Sat 21/Sep/13 SATURDAY Rest
Sun 22/Sep/13 RACE DAY

Friday, 26 July 2013

Rough Outline of my training plans for Granite Man Guernsey

Rough Outline of my training plans for Granite Man Guernsey


Sat 20/Jul/2013
______Swim: 0meters 0hours rest...
______Bike: 100miles 5.5hours 5.63hrs  100miles @3.38 min mile pace ( 2.11k pace over 160k...
______Run:  0miles 0hours MarathonWk7 Day Sat - rest...
______Row:  0meters 0hours No more rowing...
Sun 21/Jul/2013
______Swim: 0meters 0hours rest...
______Bike: 0miles 0hours velo?...
______Run:  8.6miles 1.1hours MarathonWk7 Day Sun - 7. Actual = St Caths 1.12hrs  8.6miles...
______Row:  0meters 0hours No more rowing...
Mon 22/Jul/2013
______Swim: 0meters 0hours missed...
______Bike: 34miles 2hours commute + FitnessFirst  6:30pm class (missed 5:30pm)...
______Run:  0miles 0hours MarathonWk6 Day Mon - rest...
______Row:  0meters 0hours No more rowing...
Tue 23/Jul/2013
______Swim: 0meters 0hours missed...
______Bike: 0miles 0hours drive to work with shirts tc?...
______Run:  6miles 0.71hours MarathonWk6 Day Tue - 5 actual gunsite, town, st aubin, guns...
______Row:  0meters 0hours No more rowing...
Wed 24/Jul/2013
______Swim: 2700meters 1hours club swim...
______Bike: 34miles 1hours commute + 5:45pm BodyRox class...
______Run:  0miles 0hours MarathonWk6 Day Wed - cross...
______Row:  0meters 0hours No more rowing...
Thu 25/Jul/2013
______Swim: 2000meters 1hours 400 swim 400 pull 400 paddle 400 swim then 4 x 100 in 1:35 o...
______Bike: 18miles 0.75hours commute?...
______Run:  8.8miles 1.14hours MarathonWk6 Day Thu - 8 actual st caths: 0.95hrs  8miles @7....
______Row:  0meters 0hours No more rowing...
Fri 26/Jul/2013
______Swim: 2600meters 1hours club swim incl 200s in 3:15...
______Bike: 0miles 0hours might rest!...
______Run:  4miles 0.71hours MarathonWk6 Day Fru - 5. Bloody tired, only did 4m gorey and...
______Row:  0meters 0hours No more rowing...
Sat 27/Jul/2013
______Swim: 0meters 0hours rest...
______Bike: 50miles 3.33333333333333hours 8:00am velo/club ride...
______Run:  0miles 0hours MarathonWk6 Day Sat - rest...
______Row:  0meters 0hours No more rowing...
Sun 28/Jul/2013
______Swim: 0meters 0hours rest...
______Bike: 0miles 0hours rest...
______Run:  21miles 3hours MarathonWk6 Day Sun - 21...
______Row:  0meters 0hours No more rowing...
Mon 29/Jul/2013
______Swim: 0meters 0hours missed...
______Bike: 32miles 2hours FitnessFirst 5:30pm and 6:30pm class...
______Run:  0miles 0hours MarathonWk5 Day Mon - rest...
______Row:  0meters 0hours No more rowing...
Tue 30/Jul/2013
______Swim: 1500meters 1hours 6:30am pool swim?...
______Bike: 0miles 0hours summer time-table no spinn...
______Run:  5miles 0.71hours MarathonWk5 Day Tue - 5...
______Row:  0meters 0hours No more rowing...
Wed 31/Jul/2013
______Swim: 1500meters 1hours 6:30am pool swim?...
______Bike: 16miles 1hours 5:45pm BodyRox class...
______Run:  0miles 0hours MarathonWk5 Day Wed - cross...
______Row:  0meters 0hours No more rowing...
Thu 01/Aug/2013
______Swim: 1500meters 1hours 6:30am pool swim?...
______Bike: 0miles 0hours rest...
______Run:  8miles 1.14hours MarathonWk5 Day Thu - 8...
______Row:  0meters 0hours No more rowing...
Fri 02/Aug/2013
______Swim: 1500meters 1hours 6:30am pool swim?...
______Bike: 0miles 0hours rest...
______Run:  6miles 0.86hours MarathonWk5 Day Fru - 6...
______Row:  0meters 0hours No more rowing...
Sat 03/Aug/2013
______Swim: 0meters 0hours rest...
______Bike: 100miles 6.66666666666667hours 8:00am velo/club ride...
______Run:  0miles 0hours MarathonWk5 Day Sat - rest...
______Row:  0meters 0hours No more rowing...
Sun 04/Aug/2013
______Swim: 0meters 0hours rest...
______Bike: 0miles 0hours rest...
______Run:  14miles 2hours MarathonWk5 Day Sun - 14...
______Row:  0meters 0hours No more rowing...
Mon 05/Aug/2013
______Swim: 0meters 0hours missed...
______Bike: 32miles 2hours FitnessFirst 5:30pm and 6:30pm class...
______Run:  0miles 0hours MarathonWk4 Day Mon - rest...
______Row:  0meters 0hours No more rowing...
Tue 06/Aug/2013
______Swim: 1500meters 1hours 6:30am pool swim?...
______Bike: 0miles 0hours summer time-table no spinn...
______Run:  6miles 0.86hours MarathonWk4 Day Tue - 6...
______Row:  0meters 0hours No more rowing...
Wed 07/Aug/2013
______Swim: 1500meters 1hours 6:30am pool swim?...
______Bike: 16miles 1hours 5:45pm BodyRox class...
______Run:  0miles 0hours MarathonWk4 Day Wed - cross...
______Row:  0meters 0hours No more rowing...
Thu 08/Aug/2013
______Swim: 1500meters 1hours 6:30am pool swim?...
______Bike: 0miles 0hours rest...
______Run:  10miles 1.43hours MarathonWk4 Day Thu - 10...
______Row:  0meters 0hours No more rowing...
Fri 09/Aug/2013
______Swim: 1500meters 1hours 6:30am pool swim?...
______Bike: 0miles 0hours rest...
______Run:  6miles 0.86hours MarathonWk4 Day Fru - 6...
______Row:  0meters 0hours No more rowing...
Sat 10/Aug/2013
______Swim: 0meters 0hours rest...
______Bike: 100miles 6.66666666666667hours 8:00am velo/club ride...
______Run:  0miles 0hours MarathonWk4 Day Sat - rest...
______Row:  0meters 0hours No more rowing...
Sun 11/Aug/2013
______Swim: 0meters 0hours rest...
______Bike: 0miles 0hours rest...
______Run:  8miles 1.14hours MarathonWk4 Day Sun - 8...
______Row:  0meters 0hours No more rowing...
Mon 12/Aug/2013
______Swim: 0meters 0hours missed...
______Bike: 32miles 2hours FitnessFirst 5:30pm and 6:30pm class...
______Run:  0miles 0hours MarathonWk3 Day Mon - rest...
______Row:  0meters 0hours No more rowing...
Tue 13/Aug/2013
______Swim: 1500meters 1hours 6:30am pool swim?...
______Bike: 0miles 0hours summer time-table no spinn...
______Run:  6miles 0.86hours MarathonWk3 Day Tue - 6...
______Row:  0meters 0hours No more rowing...
Wed 14/Aug/2013
______Swim: 1500meters 1hours 6:30am pool swim?...
______Bike: 16miles 1hours 5:45pm BodyRox class...
______Run:  0miles 0hours MarathonWk3 Day Wed - cross...
______Row:  0meters 0hours No more rowing...
Thu 15/Aug/2013
______Swim: 0meters 0hours in ireland...
______Bike: 0miles 0hours in ireland...
______Run:  8miles 1.14hours MarathonWk3 Day Thu - 8...
______Row:  0meters 0hours in ireland...
Fri 16/Aug/2013
______Swim: 0meters 0hours in ireland...
______Bike: 0miles 0hours in ireland...
______Run:  5miles 0.71hours MarathonWk3 Day Fru - 5...
______Row:  0meters 0hours in ireland...
Sat 17/Aug/2013
______Swim: 0meters 0hours in ireland...
______Bike: 0miles 0hours in ireland...
______Run:  0miles 0hours MarathonWk3 Day Sat - rest...
______Row:  0meters 0hours in ireland...
Sun 18/Aug/2013
______Swim: 0meters 0hours in ireland...
______Bike: 0miles 0hours in ireland...
______Run:  22miles 3.14hours MarathonWk3 Day Sun - 22...
______Row:  0meters 0hours in ireland...
Mon 19/Aug/2013
______Swim: 0meters 0hours in ireland...
______Bike: 0miles 0hours in ireland...
______Run:  0miles 0hours MarathonWk2 Day Mon - rest...
______Row:  0meters 0hours in ireland...
Tue 20/Aug/2013
______Swim: 0meters 0hours in ireland...
______Bike: 0miles 0hours in ireland...
______Run:  5miles 0.71hours MarathonWk2 Day Tue - 5...
______Row:  0meters 0hours in ireland...
Wed 21/Aug/2013
______Swim: 0meters 0hours in ireland...
______Bike: 0miles 0hours in ireland...
______Run:  0miles 0hours MarathonWk2 Day Wed - cross...
______Row:  0meters 0hours in ireland...
Thu 22/Aug/2013
______Swim: 0meters 0hours in ireland...
______Bike: 0miles 0hours in ireland...
______Run:  8miles 1.14hours MarathonWk2 Day Thu - 8...
______Row:  0meters 0hours in ireland...
Fri 23/Aug/2013
______Swim: 0meters 0hours in ireland...
______Bike: 0miles 0hours in ireland...
______Run:  4miles 0.57hours MarathonWk2 Day Fru - 4...
______Row:  0meters 0hours in ireland...
Sat 24/Aug/2013
______Swim: 0meters 0hours in ireland...
______Bike: 0miles 0hours in ireland...
______Run:  0miles 0hours MarathonWk2 Day Sat - rest...
______Row:  0meters 0hours in ireland...
Sun 25/Aug/2013
______Swim: 0meters 0hours in ireland...
______Bike: 0miles 0hours in ireland...
______Run:  12miles 1.71hours MarathonWk2 Day Sun - 12...
______Row:  0meters 0hours in ireland...
Mon 26/Aug/2013
______Swim: 0meters 0hours missed...
______Bike: 32miles 2hours FitnessFirst 5:30pm and 6:30pm class...
______Run:  0miles 0hours MarathonWk1 Day Mon - rest...
______Row:  meters hours ...
Tue 27/Aug/2013
______Swim: 1500meters 1hours 6:30am pool swim?...
______Bike: 0miles 0hours summer time-table no spinn...
______Run:  4miles 0.57hours MarathonWk1 Day Tue - 4...
______Row:  meters hours ...
Wed 28/Aug/2013
______Swim: 1500meters 1hours 6:30am pool swim?...
______Bike: 16miles 1hours 5:45pm BodyRox class...
______Run:  0miles 0hours MarathonWk1 Day Wed - cross...
______Row:  meters hours ...
Thu 29/Aug/2013
______Swim: 1500meters 1hours 6:30am pool swim?...
______Bike: 0miles 0hours rest...
______Run:  6miles 0.86hours MarathonWk1 Day Thu - 6...
______Row:  meters hours ...
Fri 30/Aug/2013
______Swim: 1500meters 1hours  La Cyclo Morbihan Friday 30th August 2013 http://www.bigmag...
______Bike: 0miles 0hours  La Cyclo Morbihan Friday 30th August 2013 http://www.bigmag...
______Run:  3miles 0.43hours MarathonWk1 Day Fru - 3...
______Row:  meters hours  La Cyclo Morbihan Friday 30th August 2013 http://www.bigmag...
Sat 31/Aug/2013
______Swim: 0meters 0hours rest for Granite Man...
______Bike: 0miles 0hours rest for Granite Man...
______Run:  0miles 0hours MarathonWk1 Day Sat - rest...
______Row:  meters hours ...
Sun 01/Sep/2013
______Swim: 0meters 0hours rest for Granite Man...
______Bike: 0miles 0hours rest for Granite Man...
______Run:  8miles 1.14hours MarathonWk1 Day Sun - 8...
______Row:  meters hours ...
Mon 02/Sep/2013
______Swim: 0meters 0hours rest for Granite Man...
______Bike: 0miles 0hours rest for Granite Man...
______Run:  0miles 0hours MarathonWk0 Day Mon - rest...
______Row:  meters hours ...
Tue 03/Sep/2013
______Swim: 0meters 0hours rest for Granite Man...
______Bike: 0miles 0hours rest for Granite Man...
______Run:  3miles 0.43hours MarathonWk0 Day Tue - 3...
______Row:  meters hours ...
Wed 04/Sep/2013
______Swim: 0meters 0hours rest for Granite Man...
______Bike: 0miles 0hours rest for Granite Man...
______Run:  0miles 0hours MarathonWk0 Day Wed - rest...
______Row:  meters hours ...
Thu 05/Sep/2013
______Swim: 0meters 0hours rest for Granite Man...
______Bike: 0miles 0hours rest for Granite Man...
______Run:  0miles 0hours MarathonWk0 Day Thu - 0...
______Row:  meters hours ...
Fri 06/Sep/2013
______Swim: 0meters 0hours rest for Granite Man...
______Bike: 0miles 0hours rest for Granite Man...
______Run:  0miles 0hours MarathonWk0 Day Fru - rest...
______Row:  meters hours ...
Sat 07/Sep/2013
______Swim: 0meters 0hours rest for Granite Man...
______Bike: 0miles 0hours rest for Granite Man...
______Run:  0miles 0hours MarathonWk0 Day Sat - rest...
______Row:  meters hours ...
Sun 08/Sep/2013

Sunday, 21 July 2013

Music for the next week of spinn classes: Playlist 130721

Music for the next week of spinn classes: Playlist 130721/213620

Mon 5:30pm and 6:30pm at FitnessFirst
Wed 5:45pm at BodyRox
Both FitnessFirst and BodyRox  offer pay-as-you-go

Having watched the Tour de France and the 2 times up Alp D'Huez I though of this!

Tracks 1 and 2 provide the warm-up. Then 3,4,5 are the climb. This is 21mins of climbing which might seem a lot but remember that Alpe D'Huez is 1hour so 21mins is not so bad. You just got to choose a pace and rhythm you can cope with. Good fat-burning 60% to 70% effort at 60 to 75 rpm cadence (pedal speed)
Track 6 offer some down-hill and flat, which can be recover for some or a down-hill sprint for others depending how you feel.
Tracks 7,8 and 9  offer some big climbing before the final decent of Track 10.
Then its recovery and relax!

Playlist 130721/213620

1 Pon De Replay 4:07 05/11/2007 21:09 Rihanna 80 Mus -- 0:04:07 mins
2 Groovy Train 4:07 22/05/2007 22:22 The Farm 80 Unb -- 0:08:14 mins
3 AudioTrack 01 6:28 15/08/2007 21:55 fat boy slim -- 0:14:42 mins
4 Ocean Of Sadness - Original Mix 8:49 22/05/2007 22 -- 0:23:31 mins
5 Try My Rock - Original Mix 6:53 22/05/2007 22:22 H -- 0:30:24 mins
6 Who\'s Wearing The Cap (A-Trak Remix) 3:31 09/06/2 -- 0:33:55 mins
7 The Return Of Nothing - Evolution Mix 3:57 21/07/2 -- 0:37:52 mins
8 Track 07 7:50 22/05/2007 22:22 spinn_feb2006 spin -- 0:45:42 mins
9 Personal Jesus 4:07 12/05/2007 11:47 Marilyn Manso -- 0:49:49 mins
10 Basement Jaxx - Rendez-Vu 5:44 09/04/2012 17:04 Va -- 0:55:33 mins
11 your not in the room 3:35 09/11/2011 15:31 -- 0:59:08 mins
12 Neon 3:47 01/01/2013 21:01 Eddie Halliwell 60 DJ M -- 1:02:55 mins

FE=Flat easy, FF=Flat fast, FS=Flat sprint
CE=Climb easy, CH=Climb hard, CA=Climb attack
IA =Interval attack




60% Conversation pace (warm-up)

70% Can hardly speak (starting to work)

80% Hard, gasping, fast cruise

90% Very hard, race pace
95% Sprint, flat out!


Tim Rogers
Spinning 2013
Mob 07797 762051

Sunday, 14 July 2013

Music for the next week of spinn classes: Playlist 130714/170038

Music for the next week of spinn classes: Playlist 130714/170038

Mon 5:30pm and 6:30pm at FitnessFirst
Wed 5:45pm at BodyRox
Both FitnessFirst and BodyRox  offer pay-as-you-go

Having watched the Tour de France 14 July stage up Mont Ventoux which the pros did in 1hour (and I did in about 1 hour 20mins) I was inspired to pull together a set which puts in some Tour de France efforts, without the endurance which would be crippling for non-club riders!

Tracks 1 and 2 provide the warm-up. Then 3,4,5 are the climb. This is 21mins of climbing which might seem a lot but remember that Mont Ventoux is 1hour 20mins and even Alpe D'Huez is 1hour so 21mins is not so bad. You just got to choose a pace and rhythm you can cope with. Good fat-burning 60% to 70% effort at 60 to 75 rpm cadence (pedal speed)
Tracks 6,7,8 offer some down-hill and flat, which can be recover for some or a down-hill sprint for others depending how you feel.
Tracks 9 and 10 offer some pumpy anthems to stomp your way up again before the final flat-out sprint of Track 11.
Then its recovery and relax!

1 Cannonball 3:21 27/04/2013 13:18 Showtek & Justin -- 0:03:21 mins
2 Can\'T Hold Us 4:19 30/06/2013 20:03 Macklemore & -- 0:07:40 mins
3 U2 - Even Better Than The Real Thing (Perfecto Rem -- 0:07:42 mins
4 Copy Control Cat - Phatjak Remix 8:09 05/02/2012 1 -- 0:15:51 mins
5 BT 7:49 16/07/2007 21:35 Various Artists Spinning -- 0:23:40 mins
6 I Believe 2008 (Dabruck & Klein Dub Mix) 3:41 15/0 -- 0:27:21 mins
7 Underworld - Born Slippy Nuxx (Paul Oakenfold Remi -- 0:27:21 mins
8 Mpire (Original Mix) 6:25 02/06/2013 15:53 Moguai -- 0:33:46 mins
9 I\'m A Man (Album Mix) 4:33 30/06/2013 20:03 Black -- 0:38:19 mins
10 The Stroke (Hans-O-Matik Radio Cut) 3:04 04/09/201 -- 0:41:23 mins
11 Keep Your Boots On 3:13 12/06/2011 16:19 Bodyrocke -- 0:44:36 mins
12 Good Feeling 4:07 26/11/2011 17:03 Flo Rida Good -- 0:48:43 mins
13 Sunchyme 6:07 18/08/2007 19:10 Dario G Rpm 35 1 E -- 0:54:50 mins

FE=Flat easy, FF=Flat fast, FS=Flat sprint
CE=Climb easy, CH=Climb hard, CA=Climb attack
IA =Interval attack




60% Conversation pace (warm-up)

70% Can hardly speak (starting to work)

80% Hard, gasping, fast cruise

90% Very hard, race pace
95% Sprint, flat out!


Tim Rogers
Spinning 2013
Mob 07797 762051