Tuesday 19 August 2014

Reflections on Jersey’s meeting at No 10 Downing Street

Reflections on Jersey’s meeting at No 10 Downing Street

The key messages from David Cameron to the Commonwealth Games Teams attending No 10 Downing Street were that of legacy and performance. We have inspired, and it is important to continue to inspire our communities and the drive for health, vitality, commitment and the joy of performance and success. It is also important to maintain the hard work, training and commitment which will be rewarded by further success in Rio (Olympics 2016) and Gold Coast (Commonwealths 2018)

This got me thinking about my lessons from Glasgow 2014, and hopes for Gold Coast 2018

--Athletes – having a 4 year performance programme (and possibly contracts, funding and monitoring) to support and manage performance

--Coaches – having a co-ordinated coaching programme with clear expectations about qualifications, experience and communication & collaboration

--Managers – recruiting managers who want to be the next Seb Coe, and encouraging people from Institute of Directors, Institute of Managers, Institute of Marketing etc. to take prominent roles in Commonwealth Games.,

--Resources – being better at sharing admin, technology, management and premises resources across Youth Games, Island Games, Commonwealth Games and the other sporting bodies and foundations in Jersey so as to be efficient, effective and share/reduce costs and increase communication & collaboration (eg equipment, clothing , premises and purchases)

--Community – having better community and social engagement for 4 years up to the next Commonwealth Games, rather than the few months immediately before and after the Commonwealth Games. This will help recruit talent, and promote health, vitality, and community values.

--Business – having a more commercial, marketing and brand based approach to opportunities, including exploiting Jersey’s offshore status for Sports-Supplies and Jersey’s Digital expertise for Sport-Tech, and our location for Sport-Tourism. We should be active to interest business, and engage politicians so that all can reap rewards from the opportunities that arise from the Commonwealth Games.

--Alliances – having stronger alliances with other Commonwealth Games Associations for mutual learning and support, including access to “best practice” , research etc.

I also believe there are a number of areas where Jersey and some of the other Commonwealth Games Associations might work together to mutual benefit….

--I wonder what opportunities exist for Team GB as a result of our gun laws being different in Jersey from the UK. Could Jersey be a useful training destination?

--I wonder what opportunities exist for Team GB as a result of Jersey’s offshore status. Would it be more economic for equipment to be purchased in Jersey and leased/lent to UK? Would it be cheaper to buy all Team GB clothing in Jersey and issue to the UK?

--Could Jersey be a useful training location for Sport-Tourism or a “holding location” for major UK sporting events? Could Jersey be a useful training location for Team Management training and Team Building, essential for Athletes, Coaches and Managers?

--Since the very best athletes in Jersey would join Team GB for the Olympics, are there reciprocal opportunities for people in UK to join Team Jersey, where this could offer them additional Commonwealth Games experience?

The Commonwealth Games Association Jersey (CGAJ) is going through change as a result of reflections on Glasgow and plans for Youth Games 2016 & 2017 and Gold Coast 2018. Furthermore our President and Secretary are retiring and we are planning succession. All this creates opportunities to build on strong foundations, and build new relationships in the context of ever increasing standards of performance, professionalism and expectation.

The future is exciting and it starts NOW!


Alan Cross (President) alan.cross@cgaj.org
Derek Ferguson (General Secretary) derek.ferguson@cgaj.org
Paul Huddlestone (Chef de Mission) paul.huddlestone@cgaj.org
Paul du Feu (Games Team Manager) tigersjersey@hotmail.co.uk

CGAJ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/CommonwealthGamesAssoc.Jersey?fref=ts
CGAJ Twitter @CGAJsy

CGAJ Website http://www.cgaj.org/newsite2012/
Athlete’s Rep Blog http://cga-jerseyathletesrepresentation.blogspot.com/
Glasgow 2014 http://www.glasgow2014.com/


Tim Rogers is a Triathlete (Melbourne 2006) and now Athletes Representative (Glasgow 2014)
--2001 Team Gold Island Games Triathlon (Isle of Man)
--2003 Team Gold Island Games Triathlon (Guernsey)
--2006 19th in Commonwealth Games Triathlon, 5th Age-Group in Ironman Korea,
--2013 Winner Jersey Tough Guy, Qualified European Triathlon Champs (Age-Group)
--2014 11th Age-Group in European Triathlon Champs (Kitzbuhel)
--2014 3rd Age-Group in British Triathlon Champs (Liverpool)

Tim HJ Rogers
Athletes Representative
Commonwealth Games Association Jersey
Email: timhjrogers@hougue.com

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