Monday 17 December 2012

Beginner's Tips for Starting Triathlon in 2013

Dear Beginner

I’ve written lots of stuff about Triathlon training, tips and advice, but just for you I will see if I can be succinct!

Swim – The club have good coached sessions and I and a few others swim at lunchtimes. When the water is warmer 14deg+ swimming in the sea + wetsuit is easy, fun and safe. If as a novice you swim 1500m, three times a week (broken into warm-up, drills, effort, warm-down) that should be enough.
Bike – Aim for one fast/speed session (spin), one steady session (hills/flats) and one endurance session (Sat or Sun ride) per week and you should be OK.
Run – Same as bike really, 1 x fast, 1 x steady, 1 x long. As an example hill reps on Tuesday, track or 1 mile repeats on Thursday and long-steady on Sunday.
Additionally stretching and strength work is really good!

You’ll have three distinct phases to your training programme

Winter/Base  - This is steady,  slow, build-up of stamina and technique getting the basics right
Spring/Strength – This is where you build with more emphasis on strength and speed sessions
Summer/Race – This is when you cut back on the stamina and focus on pure speed
Autumn/ Recovery – This is when you wind-down and recover before re-start all again

You need a programme

You can’t do the same stuff all the time, it gets boring and it will fatigue or break you. So have a programme.
Week1 – Easy recovery, relax. All the sessions are about technique and feel good
Week2 – Harder. This is when you start to work a bit harder, more hours, more miles etc.
Week3 – Very hard. This is where you are getting used to being tired and coping
Week4 – Yikes! This is about mental toughness, Will you break? Next week will be easy!
And then go back to week 1 again, recover and repeat the cycle.

You need a plan

Jan to May 2013 duathlon (run-bike-run)
May to June 2013 novice triathlon (swim 700m, bike 12miles, run 3miles)
June to August 2013 olympic triathlon (swim 1500m, bike 25miles, run 6miles)
Then instead of thinking about just getting to the finish, start thinking about WINNING!
2014 focus on qualifying for the Island Games Team
2015 take part in the Island Games


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