Sunday, 4 August 2013

Training for the European Triathlon Championships: Nutrition


I am thinking about participating in 2014 ETU Triathlon European Standard Distance Championships (Kitzbühel, Austria June 19 2014 - June 22 2014) by competing in Anglian Water Standard Distance Triathlon - 22 September 2013.

Update No 005 4 August 2013

I have done a blog on Nutrition already (link 1 below) however I never stop learning and as long as I am learning I have stuff to share. If people have expertise and experience in sports nutrition please get in contact with me, I am keen to learn more!!

Now I have to be honest what follows is taken from a commercial website (link 2 below) however I have customised this a bit to suit me, the Anglian Water Standard Distance Triathlon and my meanness and reluctance to spend money on commercial products when natural or cheaper alternatives exist.

Your evening meals for 3 days before the event should be high in carbohydrates combined with lean protein. You should also be seeking to drink to fill every cell in your body with water. Regular snacks (5 meals a day) are better than feast and famine in the last 3 days.

In the morning you should aim to eat two to three hours before the start in order to give your body enough time to fully digest your food and empty your stomach. I love porridge and banana since this is a good slow burning fuel and I know I can race with this in my tummy.

Keeping fully hydrated is important for performance maybe use an electrolyte drink to maintain hydration status and electrolyte levels, without additional calories. Some people can sip on a bottle of drink right up to the start, but sickly fuel gels makes me sick and water makes me wee so I’m done with filling up after breakfast. If 3 days of good eating and drinking don’t have me ready then frankly a gel 15mins before the start ain’t gonna resolve my problems!

Now is the question of whether to drink an electrolyte drink to maintain hydration on the bike and run or use a high in carbohydrates drink. I’m inclined to go for the carbohydrates drink but make sure this is more diluted than the recipe suggests so that you get more water than carbs. In hot climates I’ve been known to add salt or magnesium to avoid cramp.

If you want carbs consume 1-3 gels per hour to deliver approximately 60 grams of carbohydrate and maximize carbohydrate utilization rates: that’s 1 per 20mins, or 1 for the swim (20-30mins), 2 or 3 on the bike (60mins) and 1 on the last mile of the bike to set-you-up for the first 20mins of the run.
If you have a gel by your shoes in transition you can pick that up and have it at the half-way point. Note that I said on the last mile of the bike to set-you-up for the first 20mins of the run and NOT have a gel in transition before you run. This is because you’ll be in a rush in transition and trying to gulp a gel in a hurry is horrid!! The second gel you can have just before you approach a water stop to slosh it down.

Some people make the last gel they have one with caffeine. Or maybe take a Redbull for that caffeine hit at the end. I think this is bad. It could just wring you out like a sponge and leave you nauseous. However that’s about personal choice and metabolism.

At the end you need a recover drink. There are many trendy options. All the products you can buy seem to upset my stomach so I go for smoothy, bananas, milk for the combination of protein, magnesium and fluid. Something to eat within 10/15 minutes is also recommended.

Link 1

If you have any comments or advice either for me, or others reading this blog please do get in contact with me

Tim HJ Rogers

Training for the European Triathlon Championships: spinning classes this week


I am thinking about participating in 2014 ETU Triathlon European Standard Distance Championships (Kitzbühel, Austria June 19 2014 - June 22 2014) by competing in Anglian Water Standard Distance Triathlon - 22 September 2013.

Update No 004 4 August 2013

Below is my play-list for the spinning classes this week. These are 5:30pm and 6:30pm on Monday at FitnessFirst and 5:45pm on Wednesday at BodyRox (both offer pay-as-you-go options).

The logic behind the sets is as follows…

Set 1
Climb - over-gear to work on strength
Climb - over-gear to work on strength  <- this is fast/hard, so I have to work hard!
Cruise - recovery for those that need it (this is to offer people a ‘choice’ and some variety)**
Fast - pure speed/endurance <- This is the key effort for me
Cruise - recovery for those that need it

Set 2
Climb - over-gear to work on strength
Climb - over-gear to work on strength <- this is fast/hard, so I have to work hard!
Cruise - recovery for those that need it (this is to offer people a ‘choice’ and some variety)**
Fast - pure speed/endurance <- This is the key effort for me
Cruise - recovery for those that need it

** Note: Not everyone coming to the class is expecting to work this hard, or aiming to peak for a race in 7+weeks!

Playlist 130803/143906

1 Jailbreak 4:42 02/07/2013 21:17 AC-DC \'74 Jailbr -- 0:04:42 mins
2 Rattle 3:54 10/06/2012 12:03 Bingo Players 80 Crea -- 0:08:36 mins
3 Bangduck (Moguai Remix) 4:07 01/01/2013 20:57 Afro -- 0:12:43 mins
4 Good Feeling 4:07 26/11/2011 17:03 Flo Rida Good -- 0:16:50 mins
5 Whirl-Y-Reel 2 (Folk Police Mix) 5:28 16/06/2007 1 -- 0:22:18 mins
6 Holiday 3:53 15/08/2007 21:15 greenday americanid -- 0:26:11 mins
7 No One Knows 4:39 12/05/2007 11:47 Queens Of The S -- 0:30:50 mins
8 Hangover 4:05 03/04/2012 22:02 Taio Cruz feat. Flo -- 0:34:55 mins
9 Salva Mea (Way Out West Remix) 7:50 12/05/2007 11: -- 0:42:45 mins
10 Dog Days Are Over 4:10 28/04/2013 17:14 Florence A -- 0:46:55 mins
11 I\'m A Man (Album Mix) 4:33 30/06/2013 20:03 Black -- 0:51:28 mins
12 Mpire (Original Mix) 6:25 02/06/2013 15:53 Moguai -- 0:57:53 mins
13 Keep Your Boots On 3:13 12/06/2011 16:19 Bodyrocke -- 1:01:06 mins

If you have any comments or advice either for me, or others reading this blog please do get in contact with me

Tim HJ Rogers

Friday, 2 August 2013

Triathlon Fuel and Diet Tips

Training for the European Triathlon Championships


I am thinking about participating in 2014 ETU Triathlon European Standard Distance Championships (Kitzbühel, Austria June 19 2014 - June 22 2014) by competing in Anglian Water Standard Distance Triathlon - 22 September 2013.

Update No 003 2 August 2013

I’ve been asked about nutrition and it is a very important aspect of training and racing. I’ll be honest I don’t follow some of the best advice and I know that I should, and hopefully will be better at this, as I prepare for my big race in a few weeks’ time. Below are some recommendations and  some real past experience.

Basic Diets

A picture speaks 1000 words. This says it all….

Triathlon Recommendations

Fundamentally if you have a good diet you won’t need all these funny supplements! Eat healthy and drink lots of water and you’ll be fine. Most of the super sports drinks, gels, foods etc., don’t do anything more than re-package what you should find in a good diet, its just that fewer of us eat bananas, oranges and oats bars on the bike preferring some trendy gel. As regards drink, water with some diarohlyte or one of those fizzy minerals tablets like Barrcocca is all you need to hydrate and refuel minerals /salts.

I have been known to go out for a 4 hour ride with no bottles at all. I am a camel! However for a 6 hour ride or a hot day I will take 2 litres. It may seem madness that I don’t carry more water on the bike but the truth is that hydration is what you do in the 24hours before you get on the bike.

For races in hot places like Hawaii if you were not getting up in the middle of the night to have a pee then you were not properly prepared. For ironman if you don’t stop for a wee at the half-way point then you have not taken enough water. The time you loose weeing is better than the slow decline of being de-hydrated.

I do like PSP22 which is a carbo drink from Science in Sport. I drink this super diluted rather than the electrolyte drink because it does contain carbs which are useful as fuel in a half-ironman or ironman race. For Olympic distance hydration is important, but not to the extent that you really need to worry about fueling. You are racing for such a short time that fuel before the race and a quick gel on the bike before the run should be plenty.

It is the half-ironman or ironman races where you need a strategy. I used a watch with a count-down timer to remind me with a ‘bleep’ to eat little and often. Don’t run out of fuel, but don’t make yourself sick either! Practice with what you intend to do on race day. Don’t change a proven formula so either find out what is available on race day and train with it, or elect to ignore what is available and be self-reliant.  In Korea I made up loads of time carrying 4 litres of fuel on the bike (that’s 4 kg of weight!!) but I didn’t have to slow or stop at fuel points or worry about running out of fuel.

If you have any comments or advice either for me, or others reading this blog please do get in contact with me

Tim HJ Rogers

Thursday, 1 August 2013

Being more disciplined and scientific about training

Training for the European Triathlon Championships


I am thinking about participating in 2014 ETU Triathlon European Standard Distance Championships (Kitzbühel, Austria June 19 2014 - June 22 2014) by competing in Anglian Water Standard Distance Triathlon - 22 September 2013.

Update 2 August 2013

Well its about 2 weeks since I switched from half-ironman training which was ploddy and long to preparation for the Anglian Water Standard Distance Triathlon. It is harder doing shorter sessions at higher intensity. You can see the point where I switched from one regime to another in my log.

Focus was rowing….
 w/e date: 05/May/2013 swim: 0mts    bike: 108mi run: 12.5mi row: 58k  7days: 15.3
 w/e date: 12/May/2013 swim: 0mts    bike: 88mi  run: 8mi    row: 43k  7days: 10.3
 w/e date: 19/May/2013 swim: 0mts    bike: 48mi  run: 0.02mi row: 67k  7days: 8.97
 w/e date: 26/May/2013 swim: 0mts    bike: 48mi  run: 0.01mi row: 60.5 7days: 12.6
 w/e date: 02/Jun/2013 swim: 5600mts bike: 79mi  run: 23.5mi row: 42.5 7days: 14.7
 w/e date: 09/Jun/2013 swim: 4200mts bike: 48mi  run: 30.5mi row: 33k  7days: 12.7
 w/e date: 16/Jun/2013 swim: 3000mts bike: 108mi run: 25mi   row: 60k  7days: 17.3

Focus switched to half-ironman training ….
w/e date: 23/Jun/2013 swim: 2500mts bike: 120.3 run: 30mi   row: 0k   7days: 13.0
 w/e date: 30/Jun/2013 swim: 6100mts bike: 125mi run: 43.5mi row: 0k   7days: 16.4
 w/e date: 07/Jul/2013 swim: 7001mts bike: 54mi  run: 32mi   row: 0k   7days: 10.6
 w/e date: 14/Jul/2013 swim: 6300mts bike: 123mi run: 55.894 row: 0k   7days: 19.9
 w/e date: 21/Jul/2013 swim: 7100mts bike: 200mi run: 33.1mi row: 0k   7days: 19.1

Focus switched to Standard Distance Triathlon training ….
 w/e date: 28/Jul/2013 swim: 7300mts bike: 137mi run: 38.8mi row: 0k   7days: 15.4
w/e date: 04/Aug/2013 swim: 7400mts bike: 170mi run: 27.6mi row: 0k   7days: 17.7
 w/e date: 11/Aug/2013 swim: 9600mts bike: 170mi run: 30mi   row: 0k   7days: 19.3

I am now trying to be much more disciplined and scientific about training. Rather than just go and do lots.

For example

Tuesday’s run was a series of timed intervals….
Run Interval1 1.8 miles 00:08:00 warm-up Run Interval2 1 miles 00:06:20 effort against wind Run Interval3 1 miles 00:05:55 effort with wind Run Interval4 1 miles 00:06:05 effort against wind Run Interval5 1 miles 00:05:40 effort with wind Run Interval6 1.8 miles 00:08:00 warm-down Run Total 7.6 miles 00:06:40 avg

Wednesday’s swim was a series of timed intervals….
Did 400 cruise on 19 stroke count. Then 4 x 100 on 19 stroke count in 1:45 off 2mins. Really reach, rotate and keep chest deep (and feet high)

Thursday’s run was a measured and controlled….
Jog to Queens Valley Reservoir and then 2 laps = 4 miles in 26mins, then jog back. Then 10min swim to cool the legs

If you have any comments or advice either for me, or others reading this blog please do get in contact with me

Tim HJ Rogers