Friday 2 August 2013

Triathlon Fuel and Diet Tips

Training for the European Triathlon Championships


I am thinking about participating in 2014 ETU Triathlon European Standard Distance Championships (Kitzbühel, Austria June 19 2014 - June 22 2014) by competing in Anglian Water Standard Distance Triathlon - 22 September 2013.

Update No 003 2 August 2013

I’ve been asked about nutrition and it is a very important aspect of training and racing. I’ll be honest I don’t follow some of the best advice and I know that I should, and hopefully will be better at this, as I prepare for my big race in a few weeks’ time. Below are some recommendations and  some real past experience.

Basic Diets

A picture speaks 1000 words. This says it all….

Triathlon Recommendations

Fundamentally if you have a good diet you won’t need all these funny supplements! Eat healthy and drink lots of water and you’ll be fine. Most of the super sports drinks, gels, foods etc., don’t do anything more than re-package what you should find in a good diet, its just that fewer of us eat bananas, oranges and oats bars on the bike preferring some trendy gel. As regards drink, water with some diarohlyte or one of those fizzy minerals tablets like Barrcocca is all you need to hydrate and refuel minerals /salts.

I have been known to go out for a 4 hour ride with no bottles at all. I am a camel! However for a 6 hour ride or a hot day I will take 2 litres. It may seem madness that I don’t carry more water on the bike but the truth is that hydration is what you do in the 24hours before you get on the bike.

For races in hot places like Hawaii if you were not getting up in the middle of the night to have a pee then you were not properly prepared. For ironman if you don’t stop for a wee at the half-way point then you have not taken enough water. The time you loose weeing is better than the slow decline of being de-hydrated.

I do like PSP22 which is a carbo drink from Science in Sport. I drink this super diluted rather than the electrolyte drink because it does contain carbs which are useful as fuel in a half-ironman or ironman race. For Olympic distance hydration is important, but not to the extent that you really need to worry about fueling. You are racing for such a short time that fuel before the race and a quick gel on the bike before the run should be plenty.

It is the half-ironman or ironman races where you need a strategy. I used a watch with a count-down timer to remind me with a ‘bleep’ to eat little and often. Don’t run out of fuel, but don’t make yourself sick either! Practice with what you intend to do on race day. Don’t change a proven formula so either find out what is available on race day and train with it, or elect to ignore what is available and be self-reliant.  In Korea I made up loads of time carrying 4 litres of fuel on the bike (that’s 4 kg of weight!!) but I didn’t have to slow or stop at fuel points or worry about running out of fuel.

If you have any comments or advice either for me, or others reading this blog please do get in contact with me

Tim HJ Rogers

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