Sunday 4 August 2013

Training for the European Triathlon Championships: Nutrition


I am thinking about participating in 2014 ETU Triathlon European Standard Distance Championships (Kitzbühel, Austria June 19 2014 - June 22 2014) by competing in Anglian Water Standard Distance Triathlon - 22 September 2013.

Update No 005 4 August 2013

I have done a blog on Nutrition already (link 1 below) however I never stop learning and as long as I am learning I have stuff to share. If people have expertise and experience in sports nutrition please get in contact with me, I am keen to learn more!!

Now I have to be honest what follows is taken from a commercial website (link 2 below) however I have customised this a bit to suit me, the Anglian Water Standard Distance Triathlon and my meanness and reluctance to spend money on commercial products when natural or cheaper alternatives exist.

Your evening meals for 3 days before the event should be high in carbohydrates combined with lean protein. You should also be seeking to drink to fill every cell in your body with water. Regular snacks (5 meals a day) are better than feast and famine in the last 3 days.

In the morning you should aim to eat two to three hours before the start in order to give your body enough time to fully digest your food and empty your stomach. I love porridge and banana since this is a good slow burning fuel and I know I can race with this in my tummy.

Keeping fully hydrated is important for performance maybe use an electrolyte drink to maintain hydration status and electrolyte levels, without additional calories. Some people can sip on a bottle of drink right up to the start, but sickly fuel gels makes me sick and water makes me wee so I’m done with filling up after breakfast. If 3 days of good eating and drinking don’t have me ready then frankly a gel 15mins before the start ain’t gonna resolve my problems!

Now is the question of whether to drink an electrolyte drink to maintain hydration on the bike and run or use a high in carbohydrates drink. I’m inclined to go for the carbohydrates drink but make sure this is more diluted than the recipe suggests so that you get more water than carbs. In hot climates I’ve been known to add salt or magnesium to avoid cramp.

If you want carbs consume 1-3 gels per hour to deliver approximately 60 grams of carbohydrate and maximize carbohydrate utilization rates: that’s 1 per 20mins, or 1 for the swim (20-30mins), 2 or 3 on the bike (60mins) and 1 on the last mile of the bike to set-you-up for the first 20mins of the run.
If you have a gel by your shoes in transition you can pick that up and have it at the half-way point. Note that I said on the last mile of the bike to set-you-up for the first 20mins of the run and NOT have a gel in transition before you run. This is because you’ll be in a rush in transition and trying to gulp a gel in a hurry is horrid!! The second gel you can have just before you approach a water stop to slosh it down.

Some people make the last gel they have one with caffeine. Or maybe take a Redbull for that caffeine hit at the end. I think this is bad. It could just wring you out like a sponge and leave you nauseous. However that’s about personal choice and metabolism.

At the end you need a recover drink. There are many trendy options. All the products you can buy seem to upset my stomach so I go for smoothy, bananas, milk for the combination of protein, magnesium and fluid. Something to eat within 10/15 minutes is also recommended.

Link 1

If you have any comments or advice either for me, or others reading this blog please do get in contact with me

Tim HJ Rogers

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