Monday 30 May 2011

Cycling: Here come the girls!

Hopefully lots of ladies saw the excellent article in the Jersey Evening Post (Page 81 Fri 27 May 2011) about ladies cycling. There has never been a better time for women to get into cycling, there is a huge amount of support and sponsorship, great get-fit opportunities and a ticket to better health, and greater wealth by leaving the car at home!

If you want to find out more contact

See also And

In the meantime, don't forget that you can make a start right away with spinning. Tim Rogers is doing indoor cycling at BodyRox on Monday 7am (before work) and Wednesday 6pm (after work). This is a great and safe environment to get fit at your own pace, and in great company with experienced advice.

You'll find BodyBox at Seaton Place, St Helier (the old church now converted into a gym)

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