Saturday 6 August 2011

Thoughts and Lessons from 48mi UltraMarathon 6 Aug 2011

Thoughts and Lessons from 48mi UltraMarathon 6 Aug 2011

Buying new shoes 1 week before the event was a great idea. I also bought new grey 1000 mile sock and my feet felt great! Unfortunately so many people told me this was a bad thing to try, that I packed my old shoes in the half-way bag to switch into. Within a mile I knew I preferred the comfort and support of the shoes I'd taken off over the old shoes that now had to carry me 24miles.

Fuel strategy was good. Ran with 2 x 50m bottles of lucozade and refilled them at each 10mi check point. 1 Litre per 10mi was OK, but was running a bit low on the leg from Gronez to St Brelade.

Having 3 food bars before half-way bag and 3 after was great.

Started sensible: 1hour 40min to St Caths, and Marathon in 5 hours. I knew that I did not have the training to go far or fast, so I just held a pace…although toward the end it became a real challenge to keen below 12min mile pace!

Disappointed not to go sub-9 hours, but then to do a race like this you should be running 60miles per week. I've really only been doing long Sundays the weekdays have been rowing or cycling. On that basis I should be pleased with 9hours 11mins

Next time (If I am dumb enough to do this again) running 40-50miles per week would at least put some strength, stamina and lateral balance in my knees. My average has been about 25miles per week. My body was OK, but my legs were trashed: unable to walk/run downhill. I was OK on the flats.

I think I could get nearer the gold-standard (sub-8 hours) but it would mean giving up all the other fun sports and challenges that I do. If I had a choice of a gold medal or a silver and also doing the Tour de France, Rowing to France, Thames Challenge and Pierre Bigault bike race, I think my preference would be to give up the gold and enjoy all those other experiences…so I am not too disappointed to be thrashed by a lot of people far better than me.

Next challenges: Monday doing a spinning class! Tuesday doing a rowing race! But the big one will be the Thames River Challenge, in September.

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