Tuesday 9 August 2011

Tim's training plan for week 8 Aug

Tim's training plan for week 8 Aug

Key aim is get fit for Thames River Race http://www.greatriverrace.co.uk/

Mon 07:00hrs spinning class (will still have sore legs from Sunday's 48mile run!)
Tue 05:45hrs canoe session
Tue 17:00hrs rowing session with Just Do It crew
Wed 06:00hrs weights or better still a swim session
Wed 18:00hrs spinning class
Thu 05:45hrs canoe session
Thu 17:00hrs rowing session with Just Do It crew
Fri 07:15hrs spinning class
Fri 18:00hrs weights or better still a swim session
Sat - canoe session or possibly a long bike or kayak session + weights
Sun - canoe session or JCA Road Race Series 4/5 8/10 laps?

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