Saturday 28 December 2013

My first Crossfit session

I had my first Crossfit session today  and I was impressed. As far as reputation goes Crossfit is as tough as it goes, but in reality it is scalable for anyone of any fitness to set their targets to suit their abilities.

As a triathlete I need to swim, bike and run, so I did my normal run (9miles 1hour 5mins) not too hard so that I had plenty in reserve for the Crossfit session.

The Crossfit session is available from Link1 and was hard. My stamina is good but my strength/speed is poor so I managed the circuit, but did it slower than almost everyone else (26mins). I enjoyed it so much I had another go. As I say, my stamina is OK. On the second circuit I paced myself better but really s l o w e d when I got to 50 burpees. These are done with the chest hitting the floor and the hands and feet in the air like a free-fall sky diver and I really struggled to 'bounce' back up from these. I was pleased (but a bit frazzled) to complete my 2nd circuit.

Meanwhile, everyone else had finished and most had gone home except the real tough crew who were now set to do their circuit. Just to give you a guide, they blitzed the session in 18 minutes!!

Overall I was impressed by Joe and Grant, and despite the formidable reputation of Crossfit, would recommend it to others. Ultimately is is only as hard as you make it, but for some that is pretty damn hard!


The session was…
A) Warm Up
400m Run
Then 3 Rounds of:
Sit Ups x 10
HR Push Up x 10
For time:
50 Box jump (24 inch box)
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings (16kg)
50 Walking Lunge steps
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press (20kg)
50 Back extensions (substitute RDL – 20kg)
50 Wall ball shots (9kg)
50 Burpees
50 Double unders (or 150 single skips)

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