Saturday 28 December 2013

This week training from 23 Dec 2013

This week training from 23 Dec 2013

Have been doing easy build-up to running plus 2 x yoga per week and weights
Now running OKish but slow. Ready to start build-up to strength/speed: hill reps and 1 mile repeats
Bike sessions are good, once we start spinning again and I hope to hang-on the coat tails of the Tri Club
Swim needs to improve with focus on balance, stroke count and 100m reps for speed/pace

Cycling target is 3 x 45min spinn for speed/strength + 3-4 hour ride for endurance (100 miles?)
Swim target is 2 x club sessions and 2 technique sessions (6000 meters?)
Run target is 2 x speed/strength (hill reps or 1 mile repeats) 1 x endurance (24 miles?)

Mon 23 Dec 2013
6:00am plyometric work with Dan Garido
5:30pm 2 x 45min spinn at FitnessFirst, then some stretching exercises

Tue 24 Dec 2013
Run: 12.875 miles 1.7 hrs 7K in 42mins at 6min per 1k, then 8.5mile in 1hr 2mins.

Wed 25 Dec 2013
Run: 4m to Gorey and Back
Swim: 100 mts 0.2 hrs christmas swim 10.2 degrees

Thu 26 Dec 2013
Row: 10 kilometers 1 hrs Boxing Day Row
Gym: 1 hrs cosgrove evail8, kettle, calves

Fri 27 Dec 2013
Swim: 2000 mts 0.8 hrs 5x400s as swim, paddle, pull, swim, paddle

Sat 28 Dec 2013
8:00am 8.5miles in 1hour 5mins
11:30am Crossfit Filthy Fifty x 2 then tried a 3rd attempt but binned at half-way
Total for day 2.5hours

Sun 29 Dec 2013
9:00am Bike 2hrs, 34miles?, then got a puncture
3:00pm weights session (upper body because knees hurt from crossfit)
Totals for week
Swim Mon 0; Tue 0; Wed 0; Thu 0; Fri 2k; Sat 0; Sun 0; Total =  2k / 0.75hrs
Bike  Mon 32/1.5; Tue 0; Wed 0; Thu 0; Fri 0; Sat 0; Sun 34/2; Total = 66miles / 3.5hrs
Run  Mon 0; Tue 12/1.5; Wed 4/0.5; Thu 0; Fri 0; Sat 8.5/1.25; Sun 0; Total = 24.5miles / 3.25hrs
Gym Mon 0.5; Tue 0; Wed 0; Thu 1; Fri 0; Sat 1.25; Sun 0; Total = 2.75hrs
Row Mon 0; Tue 0; Wed 0; Thu 10k/1hrs; Fri 0; Sat 0; Sun 0; Total = 10k/1hrs

Totals = 11.25 hours ish

Missed bike and swim targets but pleased to row and enjoyed the gym sessions

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