Sunday 24 March 2013

Sports Strategy Consultation Document

Sports Strategy Consultation Document

The Education, Sport and Culture Department (ESC) are consulting all Islanders who take part, volunteer for, or watch sport in the Island on how sport could develop over the next ten years.

The notes below are initial thoughts following the reading of Sports Strategy Consultation Document

The Sport Strategy Consultation Document sets out the current position and asks four key questions:  
1.       Do we need to make any changes?
2.       Should there be a new co-ordinating organisation for sport?
3.       Do we need a new model for sport development?
4.       Do you think the States should continue to run sports facilities or should other options be explored?
5.       The aim of the consultation is to collect opinions before drawing up a plan that will set out how sport in Jersey could develop over the next ten years.

The Sports Strategy Consultation is available here

Comments on the Sports Strategy Consultation Document

Focus on Sport Tourism

Page 13 sets out that the Sports Strategy for Jersey should focus on bringing Tourism into Jersey as a means of creating income for the Island. Whilst this is a commendable strategy for Tourism it should not be the focus of Sport.  We need to support and encourage the development of Islanders at all levels, and all ages for all sorts of activities. Funding should focus on this and the health, personal and economic benefits to the Island’s population rather than filling hotel beds with UK and International visitors.

Clubs to Fund Facilities

Page 18 suggests that perhaps some States’ assets might be better managed and maintained (and funded?) by the Clubs and societies which use them.  It is not clear whether the proposition is that the States will gift the assets to the clubs who will then take responsibility of ownership, or whether the  proposition is that the clubs will privately fund the maintenance of States public property assets.  This may suit some clubs with wealthier membership and cheaper facilities (eg yacht clubs) over others (eg swimming clubs).  Thought should be put to economies of scale where costs, efficiency and effectiveness are best managed were co-ordinated rather than devolved.

Measuring Performance

Page 19 suggests how success might be measured. It is disappointing that health is not seen as a benefit of investment in sport. There can be no doubt that prevention is cheaper than cure and sport and activity has beneficial impact on the health and wellbeing and reduces the public health costs of heart disease, cancer, obesity etc., for the Island.  Moreover the ‘performance targets’ should not be exclusive (only for the best) but instead be inclusive (available to encourage everyone to benefit from healthy activity).

A New Sport Body

Page 20 puts forward only four options. These do not appear to be mutually exclusive options and there appears to be merit in the following.

Step 1 – decide what we want to do.
Consider a new model for sport development (option 3)

Step 2 – decide the best method of doing this
Consider whether there should be a new coordinating organization (option 2).

Step 3 – identify the consequential arrangements
Then undertake a review of States sports facilities and considering options and pros and cons of each (option 4).

About Tim Rogers

Tim Rogers has been an Island Games, World Championships and Commonwealth Triathlete and more recently World Coastal Rowing Championships competitor. He is also a CYQ Qualified Gym Instructor and a Spinning Instructor at a number of gyms in Jersey.

Tim is presently considering whether to be the Commonwealth Games Athlete Representative and is very interested in athletes, sports and social feedback on the Education, Sport and Culture Department proposals

The role of the athlete representative.
1.       To consider questions related to Team Jersey athletes and to provide advice in decision making for future Games.
2.       To represent the rights and interests of Team Jersey athletes and to make related recommendations.
3.       To maintain contact with the CGF athlete’s representative

Tim Rogers
Le Belle Hougue

Phone: +447797762051
Skype: timhjrogers

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