Monday 6 May 2013

Rowing Session Monday 6 May

Rowing Session Monday  6 May

A good solid working session with repeated practice of Diamond To Balaine until we got it right with the aim and turn. These sessions are good for learning the run of tide as well as the exact locations of the marks and the bearings we need to take to get to them. Must start rowing with a compass on board to really fine tune and verify the course sufficient to hold a straight line rather than zig-zag up as we fight the tide running across us.

Distance 13000 Time(Mins) 90 Meters Per Min 144 Meters Per Sec 2.41 500m Splits 03:27

Weather Summary: Sunny at first, mainly fair overnight, becoming cloudier by morning.

Min: 10°C Visibility: Good. Wind: East light F1 to 3, backing northeast for a time this evening and increasing light F3 to moderate F4 , veering southeast overnight and decreasing light F2 to F3 by morning. Open Sea State: Smooth or slight.

This is the course and the bearings. Remember you face backwards on a rowing boat and need to take account of tide and wind.

From End Breakwater To Diamond NM 0.826 Mts 1529.752 compass 260 steering 80
From Diamond To Balaine NM 0.408 Mts 755.616 compass 37 steering 217
From Balaine To Diamond NM 0.408 Mts 755.616 compass 217 steering 37
From Diamond To Balaine NM 0.408 Mts 755.616 compass 37 steering 217
From Balaine To Diamond NM 0.408 Mts 755.616 compass 217 steering 37
From Diamond To Balaine NM 0.408 Mts 755.616 compass 37 steering 217
From Balaine To Diamond NM 0.408 Mts 755.616 compass 217 steering 37
From Diamond To Grune NM 0.358 Mts 663.016 compass 255 steering 75
From Grune To Cigarette NM 0.986 Mts 1826.072 compass 364 steering 184
From Cigarette To Beach NM 0.785 Mts 1453.82 compass 65 steering 245
From Beach To Vrache NM 0.606 Mts 1122.312 compass 123 steering 303
From Vrache To Start NM 0.286 Mts 529.672 compass 79 steering 259

Tim Rogers is a keen rower and member of the Jersey Rowing Club. This posting is offered to share for anyone interested in rowing and maybe some of the sessions, courses, distances and training information above.

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