Sunday 5 May 2013

Rowing Session Sunday 5 May

Rowing Session Sunday 5 May

I decided we should start rowing courses to be accurate about distance and time and also to practice navigation. This is better than random rowing all over the place and helps us get familiar with the marks, the turns and all the things we need to think about when racing the same marks. What is interesting is to see the distance, time and average pace from the session. We felt after 1.5 hours we had done 15k. The actual truth is sobering!

Distance 13207 Time(Mins) 90 Meters Per Min 146 Meters Per Sec 2.45 500m Splits 03:24

This is the course and the bearings. Remember you face backwards on a rowing boat!

From Start To Beach Dist NM 0.832 Mts 1497.6 Compass 288 Reverse 108
From Beach To Back St Aubin Dist NM 0.956 Mts 1720.8 Compass 261 Reverse 81
From Back St Aubin To Grune Dist NM 1.2 Mts 2160 Compass 158 Reverse 338
From Grune To Cigarette Dist NM 0.986 Mts 1774.8 Compass 364 Reverse 184
From Cigarette To Grune Dist NM 0.986 Mts 1774.8 Compass 184 Reverse 4
From Grune To Cigarette Dist NM 0.986 Mts 1774.8 Compass 364 Reverse 184
From Cigarette To Beach Dist NM 0.785 Mts 1413 Compass 65 Reverse 245
From Beach To Vrache Dist NM 0.606 Mts 1090.8 Compass 123 Reverse 303

Tim Rogers is a keen rower and member of the Jersey Rowing Club. This posting is offered to share for anyone interested in rowing and maybe some of the sessions, courses, distances and training information above.

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