Tuesday 24 September 2013

Local triathletes tough it out for a place in the European Championships

Local triathletes tough it out for a place in the European Championships

Local triathletes Tim Rogers and Lorna Gwilt took part in Anglian Water Standard Distance Triathlon with the aim of qualifying for 2014 Kitzbühel ETU Standard Distance Triathlon European Championships

Lorna Gwilt is in her debut year and learning and improving very quickly. Having only taken-up Triathlon recently she’s shown great determination and commitment to take part in all the qualifying races for  both European and World Championships and has amassed a lot of experience in just a few months of racing.

Rogers is a former Commonwealth Games triathlete but retired after 2006 and took up rowing. This is his come-back race with an eye towards future European and World Championships.

Rogers said “I feel like a complete beginner again and made a few mistakes.  Lorna was much more organised than me with bike set-up, food and race planning. I think she has a lot of potential”

The race was on the calm Anglian Water Reservoir but sunrise made spotting the buoys very difficult and Rogers missed the last turn buoy and had to swim back out to complete the course. Gwilt also had a difficult swim in a combative and aggressive group, and exited the water slower than her previous performances, but still made the top 10 of her age-group.

As a spinning instructor and Rogers was dominant on the bike, completing the 40km in just over 57minutes. Rogers explained “I damaged by achillies in an ill-judged  track-session and knew my run would be compromised so I had to make sure that my bike effort was really good”

Lorna completed the bike section in 1hour 13mins, inside the top 20 for her group, and went on to complete the course with a 10k run in 46minutes and an overall time of 2hours 28minutes placing her 13th in her group.

Rogers knowing that automatic qualification is awarded to the first four eligible athletes in each age group, struggled to keep position on the run. “I knew that providing I got into the top four  it didn’t matter what my time was, so I just focused on not letting anyone who looked to be in my age-group getting past!” Rogers completed the run in a slow 41minutes, but it was enough.

Rogers’s efforts were rewarded by placing 1st in the 45-49 age-group and thus guaranteeing his place at Kitzbühel ETU Standard Distance Triathlon European Championships.

“I am delighted with the result, but placing first in a qualifying race is no guarantee of winning the European Championships and I have a lot of work to do this winter and next year. It is going to be like re-starting all over again as a beginner and I am really looking forward to it. I’d really like to be able to go sub 1:58 next year, but we’ll have to see how my training goes.”


Tim HJ Rogers
Athletes Representative
Commonwealth Games Association Jersey
Email: timhjrogers@hougue.com
Work: t.rogers@gov.je
Mobile: 07797762051

Blog: http://cga-jerseyathletesrepresentation.blogspot.com/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/CommonwealthGamesAssoc.Jersey

Lorna’s  information http://racetimingsystems.net/Results/IndividualResult.aspx?Id=735069&Round=2552&IsFemale=true&Page=1&Search=gwilt

Tim’s  information http://racetimingsystems.net/Results/IndividualResult.aspx?Id=735464&Round=2552&Page=1&Search=rogers

Race information


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