Tuesday 3 September 2013

Training for the European Triathlon Championships: Tapering for Granite Man

Training for the European Triathlon Championships


I am thinking about participating in 2014 ETU Triathlon European Standard Distance Championships (Kitzbühel, Austria June 19 2014 - June 22 2014) by competing in Anglian Water Standard Distance Triathlon - 22 September 2013.

Update 3 September 2013
I’m now in taper week (for Granite Man), although because I’ve been carrying an achillies injury there is an argument that I’ve been in the taper phase for about 4 weeks. However now is the time to start preparing for Granite Man (8 Sept) and 2014 ETU Triathlon European Standard Distance (22 Sept)

As mentioned in earlier blog I won’t treat Granite Man too serious and would prefer with quit the run than risk compounding injury and impact to ETU Qualifier. However I would like to see how I feel, and I haven’t withdrawn form the race.

This is my taper week plan…


I’ve done too much really, 60miles on Sunday and 2 x Spin  Class on Monday is not a good formula. Nor is the spin class I have to do on Wednesday. However if that’s all I do (120 miles+/-) that isn’t going to take too much out of me with 3 days to go (from Thursday to Sunday)

On the run I am still just doing walk/jog and gentle runs for short distances but feeling OK. At this stage I cannot get better, but I can get injured so there is no point in trying hard now!

On the swim I’ve stopped because I’m already committed to too much bike and there is no point in compounding the over-training by swimming too. I might jump in the water for a few 100 meters just to keep technique but no effort.


I’ve bought a massive amount of fruit and intend to eat 5 a day, every day between now and race day. We always talk about eating 5 a day, but seeing 5 items in a nose bag really makes me think that I don’t do this enough. The same applies to drinking water. I have a 2 litre bottle on my desk and I aim to drink the full bottle every day. I might wee like a fountain, but I won’t be dehydrated!


I had a Thai Massage today which was really good. Because of the achillies injury I have been trying to stretch and do the exercises necessary to release tension which might be the cause of the achillies injury. The Thai Massage today made me feel great and makes me realise that I really should do more stretching and probably yoga.

Race Day Prep

I mentioned in earlier blogs that I’be bought new trainers and aim to run them in a bit (just a couple of miles) and I have bought gels, fuel, go-bars etc. So I will start now thinking about kit preparation and race day strategies.  This isn’t going to be my best race. Due to injury, my recent holiday in Ireland (when I didn’t train) and a poorly constructed taper week (due to spin class commitments) however I can improve my chances and feeling by the right taper, food, drink, recovery and planning (mind-set)

Tim HJ Rogers

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