Sunday 11 May 2014

Recent past and planned training for ETU Champs in June

Recent past

 w/e date: 16/Feb/2014 swim: 6200mts bike: 100mi run: 10mi   row: 0k   7days: 12.6
 w/e date: 23/Feb/2014 swim: 4800mts bike: 48mi  run: 19.1mi row: 0k   7days: 11.0
 w/e date: 02/Mar/2014 swim: 7400mts bike: 96mi  run: 24.1mi row: 0k   7days: 12.0
 w/e date: 09/Mar/2014 swim: 7400mts bike: 88mi  run: 15mi   row: 0k   7days: 11.0
 w/e date: 16/Mar/2014 swim: 5400mts bike: 72mi  run: 21.7mi row: 0k   7days: 11.0
 w/e date: 23/Mar/2014 swim: 5900mts bike: 88mi  run: 11.5mi row: 0k   7days: 12.2
 w/e date: 30/Mar/2014 swim: 3800mts bike: 128mi run: 4mi    row: 10k  7days: 12.7
 w/e date: 06/Apr/2014 swim: 6100mts bike: 101mi run: 1mi    row: 20k  7days: 12.4
 w/e date: 13/Apr/2014 swim: 4000mts bike: 88mi  run: 10mi   row: 0k   7days: 8.97
 w/e date: 20/Apr/2014 swim: 5000mts bike: 91mi  run: 5mi    row: 0k   7days: 10.9
 w/e date: 27/Apr/2014 swim: 0mts    bike: 94mi  run: 24.25m row: 0k   7days: 12.4
 w/e date: 04/May/2014 swim: 4000mts bike: 73mi  run: 24.4mi row: 0k   7days: 10.2
 w/e date: 11/May/2014 swim: 4300mts bike: 66mi  run: 12.25m row: 0k   7days: 10.7

I have been plagued by injuries: achilles, calves, hamstrings everything has been going "ping!"

Next weeks

 w/e date: 18/May/2014 swim: 6500mts bike: 108mi run: 19mi   row: 0k   7days: 15.7
 w/e date: 25/May/2014 swim: 6500mts bike: 108mi run: 19mi   row: 0k   7days: 15.7
 w/e date: 01/Jun/2014 swim: 6500mts bike: 108mi run: 19mi   row: 0k   7days: 15.7
 w/e date: 08/Jun/2014 swim: 6500mts bike: 108mi run: 19mi   row: 0k   7days: 15.7
 w/e date: 15/Jun/2014 swim: 6500mts bike: 108mi run: 19mi   row: 0k   7days: 15.7
 w/e date: 22/Jun/2014 swim: 6500mts bike: 108mi run: 19mi   row: 0k   7days: 15.7


Thu 02/Jan/2014
Fri 03/Jan/2014
______Row:  11meters 1hours Had a couple of days rest with a cold and couldn't face the ...
Sat 04/Jan/2014
______Bike: 40miles 3.5hours Mountain Bike with Ryan...
______Gym:  1hrs 4:00pm Gym
Chest Press 2x16kg kettle, 12,12,10,8,6,12,12
Sun 05/Jan/2014
______Run:  6miles 1hours 2mile warm-up 20mins
8xRue de Garenne (hill opposite Gorey c...
______Gym:  2.5hrs 11am Bikram yoga 4pm Gym work...
Mon 06/Jan/2014
______Bike: 32miles 1.88hours FitnessFirst 5:30pm and 6:30pm class...
Tue 07/Jan/2014
______Swim: 1600meters 0.5hours 6:30am 4x400s swim, paddle, pull, swim felt strong and fast...
Wed 08/Jan/2014
______Bike: 16miles 0.94hours BodyRox 5:45pm class...
______Gym:  0.25hrs 5pm will try weights before spinn...
Thu 09/Jan/2014
______Swim: 2500meters 1hours 6:30am pool swim?...
Fri 10/Jan/2014
______Swim: 2500meters 1hours 6:30am pool swim?...
Sat 11/Jan/2014
______Bike: 60miles 3.52hours Good fast session with Chris Spencse tce., circa 20mph...
Sun 12/Jan/2014
______Run:  10miles 1.3hours xc cliff paths, plus some skipping to warm-up (90 mins)...
______Gym:  2.5hrs 11am do bikram at home after run and at 4pm gym work at home...
Mon 13/Jan/2014
______Gym:  1hrs Gym work at FF (instead of Spinn, because of 6pm CGAJ meetin...
Tue 14/Jan/2014
______Swim: 2000meters 0.5hours 400x skipping, good session: 400s as swim, paddles, pull x 5...
______Run:  6miles 0.79hours 10k as 5k out in 20mins and efforts of 750 meters on the way...
______Gym:  0.5hrs gym work after spinn...
Wed 15/Jan/2014
______Swim: 2500meters 1hours 200xskipping, then good session: lots of 200s incl one at 3:...
______Bike: 16miles 0.94hours BodyRox 5:45pm class...
Thu 16/Jan/2014
______Gym:  2.5hrs CrossFit then Yoga...
Fri 17/Jan/2014
Sat 18/Jan/2014
______Bike: 10miles 0.58hours MTB xc duathlon...
______Run:  4miles 0.5hours MTB xc duathlon...
Sun 19/Jan/2014
______Run:  14miles 2.29hours Tough Guy Course, 8am at Haut de la Garenne...
______Gym:  2.5hrs 11am Bikram yoga 4pm Gym work...
Mon 20/Jan/2014
______Bike: 32miles 1.88hours FitnessFirst 5:30pm and 6:30pm class...
Tue 21/Jan/2014
______Swim: 1600meters 0.64hours after work 5:30pm swim, because I missed morning. Legs too t...
Wed 22/Jan/2014
______Swim: 2000meters 1hours 6:30am pool swim - bloody hard, binned at 2k last 500m too m...
______Bike: 16miles 0.94hours BodyRox 5:45pm class...
______Gym:  0.5hrs gym work after spinn...
Thu 23/Jan/2014
Fri 24/Jan/2014
Sat 25/Jan/2014
Sun 26/Jan/2014
______Run:  9miles 1.2hours TOUGH GUY...
______Gym:  0.5hrs gym & yoga...
Mon 27/Jan/2014
______Bike: 32miles 1.88hours FitnessFirst 5:30pm and 6:30pm class...
______Gym:  1hrs morning gym set...
Tue 28/Jan/2014
______Row:  10meters 0.6hours 10k in 37min 25sec...
______Gym:  0.25hrs in Glasgow for CdM Meetings...
Wed 29/Jan/2014
______Run:  8miles 1hours Long to Glasgow Green...
Thu 30/Jan/2014
______Gym:  1hrs Gosgrove Evil 8...
Fri 31/Jan/2014
______Gym:  2hrs Morning Sits and Press etc.  and Evening Cosgrove...
Sat 01/Feb/2014
______Gym:  1hrs Gosgrove Evil 8...
Sun 02/Feb/2014
______Run:  14miles 1.8hours Hills/Mountains x 10 to St Caths and Back...
Mon 03/Feb/2014
______Bike: 32miles 1.88hours FitnessFirst 5:30pm and 6:30pm class...
______Gym:  1hrs gym work at dawn...
Tue 04/Feb/2014
Wed 05/Feb/2014
______Swim: 2200meters 0.88hours Tri Club session...
______Bike: 16miles 0.94hours BodyRox 5:45pm class...
Thu 06/Feb/2014
______Swim: 2000meters 0.8hours 5x400s as swim, paddle, pull, swim, paddle...
______Gym:  1.5hrs yoga...
Fri 07/Feb/2014
Sat 08/Feb/2014
Sun 09/Feb/2014
______Run:  20miles 3.25hours 6m run on coast to get car. Then 12.7m to St Caths and back ...
______Gym:  1.5hrs gym work at home and yoga...
Mon 10/Feb/2014
Tue 11/Feb/2014
______Swim: 1500meters 0.6hours 6:30am pool swim?...
______Bike: 32miles 1.88hours FitnessFirst 5:30pm and 6:30pm class...
Wed 12/Feb/2014
______Swim: 2200meters 0.88hours 6:30am pool swim?...
______Bike: 16miles 0.94hours BodyRox 5:45pm class...
Thu 13/Feb/2014
______Run:  6miles 0.79hours 10x mont bingham loop in about 50mins ...
______Gym:  1.5hrs yoga...
Fri 14/Feb/2014
______Swim: 2500meters 1hours 6:30am pool swim?...
Sat 15/Feb/2014
______Bike: 40miles 2.35hours 8:00am velo/club ride...
______Gym:  1hrs 8ex, 8reps, 8sets, cosgrove evil 8...
Sun 16/Feb/2014
______Bike: 12miles 0.7hours Duathlon - run-bike-run...
______Run:  4miles 0.5hours Duathlon - run-bike-run...
______Gym:  0.5hrs streching...
Mon 17/Feb/2014
______Bike: 32miles 1.88hours FitnessFirst 5:30pm and 6:30pm class...
Tue 18/Feb/2014
______Run:  6.4miles 0.85hours 8 x westmount (0.4mi). Each rep 6mins. Average climb 3:10 +/...
Wed 19/Feb/2014
______Swim: 2200meters 0.88hours 6:30am pool swim?...
______Bike: 16miles 0.94hours BodyRox 5:45pm class...
Thu 20/Feb/2014
Fri 21/Feb/2014
______Swim: 2600meters 1.04hours 400skips then Mikey's ool swim 2600 mostly 50s...
Sat 22/Feb/2014
______Gym:  1hrs 8ex, 8reps, 8sets, cosgrove evil 8...
Sun 23/Feb/2014
______Run:  12.7miles 2hours  12.7m to St Caths and back via all the hills (6 = queens v,...
______Gym:  2.5hrs gym work at home and yoga...
Mon 24/Feb/2014
______Bike: 32miles 1.88hours FitnessFirst 5:30pm and 6:30pm class...
Tue 25/Feb/2014
______Swim: 1800meters 0.72hours 400skip, 2x400 then 10x 100 in 1:37 off 2min...
______Run:  6.4miles 0.85hours 8 x queens road 0.4mi up 3min 15secs (avge) and down about 3...
Wed 26/Feb/2014
______Swim: 2800meters 1.12hours 400skip, lots of 200s and 50s...
______Bike: 16miles 0.94hours BodyRox 5:45pm class...
Thu 27/Feb/2014
Fri 28/Feb/2014
______Swim: 2800meters 1.12hours lots of 200s and 50s...
Sat 01/Mar/2014
______Bike: 48miles 2.82hours with Tony W. Should have done more hills. Surprisingly tired...
______Run:  5miles 0.6hours run to daisey hill + 5 x reps. 2mile there, 2mile back, 5 x ...
Sun 02/Mar/2014
______Run:  12.7miles 2hours  12.7m to St Caths and back via all the hills (6 = queens v,...
Mon 03/Mar/2014
______Bike: 32miles 1.88hours FitnessFirst 5:30pm and 6:30pm class...
Tue 04/Mar/2014
Wed 05/Mar/2014
______Swim: 2500meters 1hours 6:30am pool swim?...
______Bike: 16miles 0.94hours BodyRox 5:45pm class...
Thu 06/Mar/2014
______Swim: 2000meters 0.8hours 6:30am pool swim?...
______Run:  2miles 0.26hours 4x5mins of Wellington Hill, prior to ASA Meeting with PdF...
Fri 07/Mar/2014
______Swim: 2900meters 1.15hours lots of 50s and 100s eg 12 x 50s and 4x (4 x 100)...
______Run:  5miles 0.66hours Run to Gorey, then 5x Daisy Hill and then for meal with Debb...
Sat 08/Mar/2014
______Bike: 40miles 2.35hours Tri Club is (10min over-gear, 2min race) x4 then 30min run O...
______Gym:  1hrs Cosgrovve 8 x 8sets x 8reps...
Sun 09/Mar/2014
______Run:  8miles 1hours Cliff Paths...
Mon 10/Mar/2014
Tue 11/Mar/2014
______Bike: 32miles 1.88hours Swap with CGA...
Wed 12/Mar/2014
______Swim: 2500meters 1hours 300 skip 6:30am pool swim?...
Thu 13/Mar/2014
______Gym:  0.6hrs Cosgrovve 8 x 6sets x 6reps...
Fri 14/Mar/2014
______Swim: 2900meters 1.15hours 500skip 6:30am pool swim?...
______Run:  9miles 1.19hours 8 x Grouville Hill (0.45mi up 3:30up and 3:00down) plus 1 mi...
Sat 15/Mar/2014
______Bike: 40miles 2.35hours tour of tomorrows duathlon course...
Sun 16/Mar/2014
______Run:  12.7miles 1.9hours  12.7m to St Caths and back via all the hills (6 = queens v,...
______Gym:  1hrs stretching in front of TV...
Mon 17/Mar/2014
______Bike: 32miles 1.88hours FitnessFirst 5:30pm and 6:30pm class...
Tue 18/Mar/2014
______Swim: 1600meters 0.64hours 400 skip 400pull, swim, paddle, swim...
______Run:  6miles 0.79hours 5 x hill behind queens v. 2:30up off 5min, plus 2mi wamup an...
Wed 19/Mar/2014
______Bike: 16miles 0.94hours BodyRox 5:45pm class...
______Gym:  0.25hrs 3x10 bear complex...
Thu 20/Mar/2014
______Swim: 1700meters 0.68hours 400 skip 400pull, swim, paddle, swim...
______Run:  5.5miles 0.73hours 6 x daisy hill up in 1:40 reducing to 1:30, 2mi there and 2 ...
Fri 21/Mar/2014
______Swim: 2600meters 1.04hours good session 12x50, 3rd hard, 8x50, 2nd hard, 4x50 all hard ...
Sat 22/Mar/2014
______Gym:  2.29hrs cosgrove 8 for 8 sets, plus body 4 life upper!!!...
Sun 23/Mar/2014
______Bike: 40miles 3hours "hell of the north": st caths; rozel; bouley; bonne nuit; mo...
Mon 24/Mar/2014
______Bike: 32miles 1.88hours FitnessFirst 5:30pm and 6:30pm class...
______Gym:  0.5hrs cosgrove 8 for 4 reps...
Tue 25/Mar/2014
______Swim: 1600meters 0.64hours 6:30am pool swim?...
Wed 26/Mar/2014
______Bike: 16miles 0.94hours BodyRox 5:45pm class...
Thu 27/Mar/2014
______Swim: 2200meters 0.88hours 400swim, 300back, 200breat, 100fly then 2x (3x200) with Olli...
______Run:  4miles 0.53hours run - big mistake (hurt after 1.5miles, was quick, but then ...
Fri 28/Mar/2014
______Bike: 40miles 2.5hours "hell of the north": st caths; rozel; bouley; bonne nuit; mo...
Sat 29/Mar/2014
______Bike: 40miles 2.35hours "hell of the north": st caths; rozel; bouley; bonne nuit; mo...
Sun 30/Mar/2014
______Row:  10meters 1hours 1 hour, harbour, east rock, pigeon, cigarette, Liz Castle, H...
______Gym:  1.5hrs 2 x mediball workout. Then cosgrove but only 4 sets (weak/ti...
Mon 31/Mar/2014
______Bike: 32miles 1.88hours FitnessFirst 5:30pm and 6:30pm class...
______Row:  5meters 0.5hours 20mins 5k on erg...
Tue 01/Apr/2014
______Swim: 1600meters 0.64hours 6:30am pool swim?...
Wed 02/Apr/2014
______Swim: 2500meters 1hours 6:30am pool swim?...
______Bike: 16miles 0.94hours BodyRox 5:45pm class...
Thu 03/Apr/2014
______Swim: 2000meters 0.8hours 6:30am pool swim?...
Fri 04/Apr/2014
______Bike: 13miles 2hours easy ride with island innovators...
______Run:  1miles 0.1hours run to collect bike with island innovators...
______Row:  5meters 0.3hours 5k erg...
Sat 05/Apr/2014
______Row:  10meters 0.75hours 10k erg, ...
______Gym:  0.75hrs cosgrove evil8 x 6 sets...
Sun 06/Apr/2014
______Bike: 40miles 2.75hours "hell of the north": st caths; rozel; bouley; bonne nuit; mo...
Mon 07/Apr/2014
______Bike: 32miles 1.88hours FitnessFirst 5:30pm and 6:30pm class...
Tue 08/Apr/2014
______Swim: 1500meters 1hours 1900m...
Wed 09/Apr/2014
______Swim: 2500meters 1hours 2500m...
______Bike: 16miles 0.94hours BodyRox 5:45pm class...
Thu 10/Apr/2014
Fri 11/Apr/2014
Sat 12/Apr/2014
______Bike: 40miles 2.35hours "hell of the north": st caths; rozel; bouley; bonne nuit; mo...
Sun 13/Apr/2014
______Run:  10miles 1.3hours 5mile run/walk in morning and same again in evening, then wa...
______Gym:  0.5hrs some basic stretching...
Mon 14/Apr/2014
______Bike: 32miles 1.88hours FitnessFirst 5:30pm and 6:30pm class...
______Gym:  1hrs yoga standing poses...
Tue 15/Apr/2014
______Run:  5miles 0.6hours 5mile run/walk  in evening, then wade in sea...
Wed 16/Apr/2014
______Swim: 2500meters 1hours 6:30am pool swim?...
______Bike: 16miles 0.94hours BodyRox 5:45pm class...
______Gym:  0.5hrs gym work after spinn...
Thu 17/Apr/2014
______Gym:  1.5hrs yoga...
Fri 18/Apr/2014
______Swim: 2500meters 1hours 6:30am pool swim?...
______Bike: 3miles 0.17hours fast hill climb easter series 5:08 came 17th...
Sat 19/Apr/2014
______Bike: 40miles 2.35hours easter series road race, made a break 3 miles out. Did well ...
Sun 20/Apr/2014
Mon 21/Apr/2014
______Run:  6miles 0.7hours run, jog, run, walk in pain with left thigh and calf, wade i...
Tue 22/Apr/2014
______Run:  6miles 0.7hours slow, but steady run 50mins then wade in sea 10mins +...
Wed 23/Apr/2014
______Bike: 16miles 0.94hours BodyRox 5:45pm class...
______Run:  6miles 0.7hours slow, but steady run 50mins then wade in sea 10mins +...
______Gym:  0.5hrs gym work after spinn...
Thu 24/Apr/2014
______Gym:  1hrs standing yoga moved...
Fri 25/Apr/2014
Sat 26/Apr/2014
______Bike: 55miles 3.23hours tri club ride and then dash home to see leonie before she le...
______Gym:  1.5hrs full bikra session...
Sun 27/Apr/2014
______Bike: 23miles 1.35hours Duathlon - run-bike-run...
______Run:  6.25miles 0.8hours Duathlon - run-bike-run...
______Gym:  1hrs stretching...
Mon 28/Apr/2014
______Bike: 32miles 1.88hours FitnessFirst 5:30pm and 6:30pm class...
Tue 29/Apr/2014
______Swim: 1500meters 0.6hours missed...
______Run:  6miles 0.79hours archirondel and back...
Wed 30/Apr/2014
______Swim: 2500meters 1hours 6:30am pool swim?...
______Bike: 16miles 0.94hours BodyRox 5:45pm class...
______Gym:  0.5hrs gym work after spinn...
Thu 01/May/2014
______Run:  6miles 0.79hours archirondel and back...
Fri 02/May/2014
Sat 03/May/2014
______Run:  12.4miles 1.7hours Then 12.4m to St Caths and back via all the hills (6 = queen...
Sun 04/May/2014
______Bike: 25miles 1hours 25m tt...
______Gym:  1hrs home astana yoga...
Mon 05/May/2014
Tue 06/May/2014
______Run:  6miles 0.79hours queens v 2 laps in 29min, sore right calf, cool off in sea...
Wed 07/May/2014
______Swim: 2300meters 0.92hours swim with mikey...
______Bike: 16miles 0.94hours BodyRox 5:45pm class...
______Gym:  0.5hrs gym work after spinn...
Thu 08/May/2014
______Swim: 2000meters 0.8hours swim with  (chris?)...
Fri 09/May/2014
______Bike: 50miles 2.94hours plan to do 50m rr watersplash...
Sat 10/May/2014
______Run:  6.25miles 0.8hours 2 x 3m injured run/jog...
______Gym:  1.5hrs bikram yoga at home...
Sun 11/May/2014
______Gym:  1hrs gym work at home?...
Mon 12/May/2014
______Bike: 32miles 1.88hours FitnessFirst 5:30pm and 6:30pm class...
Tue 13/May/2014
______Swim: 1500meters 0.6hours speed: start working on timed 50s off 80?, timed 100s off 1:...
______Run:  5miles 0.66hours 1mile reps on the avenue...

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