Sunday 29 December 2013

Some useful fitness calculators

Some useful fitness calculators

Calories burned calculator

BMI calculator

Pace calculator

Fat Calculator

Metric Conversion

Good article on Stretching

Good article on Stretching

Bikram Postures & Benefits

This from John Way's Website
I highly recommend John Way

Bikram Postures & Benefits

Standing Deep Breathing


  • Expands the lungs to their full capacity
  • Counteracts emphysema, asthma, and other breathing problems
  • Helps regulate blood pressure
  • Exercises the nervous, respiratory and circulatory systems

Half Moon / Hands to Feet Pose


  • Revitalizes liver, spleen, pancreas and kidneys
  • Corrects bad posture
  • Helps lower back pain, bronchial distress, scoliotic deformities, tennis elbow, frozen shoulder
  • Improves circulation in the legs and to the brain
  • Increases the flexibility of the spine, sciatic nerves, most of the tendons and ligaments of the legs
  • Strengthens and firms the abdomen, hips, thighs and buttocks

Awkward Pose


  • Increases circulation in the knee, toe and ankle joints
  • Relieves rheumatism, arthritis and gout in the legs
  • Helps to cure slipped disc and lumbago in the lower spine
  • Increases hip joint flexibility
  • Strengthens and firms upper arms and all muscles of thighs, calves and hips

Eagle Pose


  • Relieves tension in neck and shoulders
  • Improves sexual vitality and control
  • Improves flexibility of all 12 major joints of the body
  • Strengthens and firms legs, arms, and abdomen

Standing Head to Knee Pose


  • Develops concentration, determination and patience
  • Increases pancreatic functions
  • Helps balance blood sugar levels
  • Improves flexibility of sciatic nerve
  • Strengthens and firms abdomen, thighs, legs, upper body and arms

Standing Bow Pulling Pose


  • Flushes out kidneys helping to eliminate toxins
  • Increases the size and elasticity of the rib cage and lungs
  • Helps correct high blood pressure
  • Helps tennis elbow and frozen shoulder
  • Improves the flexibility and strength of the lower spine and most of the body’s muscles
  • Improves flexibility of sciatic nerve
  • Strengthens and firms abdominal wall, upper thighs, upper arms, hips, and buttocks

Balancing Stick Pose


  • Strengthens the heart muscle and improves circulation
  • Increases lung capacity
  • Helps tennis elbow and varicose veins
  • Increases the flexibility of the spine, hip, and shoulder joints
  • Strengthens and firms arms, hips, buttocks and upper thighs

Standing Separate Leg Stretching Pose


  • Helps functioning of the abdominal organs
  • Brings blood to the brain
  • Stretches and strengthens the sciatic nerves and tendons of the legs
  • Increases flexibility of the pelvis, ankles, hip joints and last 5 vertebrae of spine
  • Improves the muscle tone and flexibility of thighs and calves

Triangle Pose


  • Improves every muscle, joint, tendon and internal organ
  • Revitalizes nerves, veins, and tissues
  • Improves crooked spines
  • Helps correct frozen shoulder and tennis elbow
  • Increases strength and flexibility of the hip joint and of the muscles of the side of the torso
  • Strengthens and firms arms, upper thighs, waistline and hips

Standing Separate Leg Head to Knee Pose


  • Increases blood circulation to legs and brain (helping with some types of headaches)
  • Massages internal organs
  • Helps with diabetes and hyperacidity
  • Helps relieve constipation, dyspepsia, and hemorrhoids
  • Improves flexibility of the spine, shoulders, hips, sciatic nerve
  • Strengthens and firms abdomen, waistline, hips, buttocks, upper thighs

Tree Pose


  • Improves posture and balance
  • Improves circulatory disorders
  • Relieves tension in neck and shoulders
  • Increases flexibility of ankles, knees, and hip joints
  • Strengthens internal oblique muscles to prevent hernia

Toe Stand Pose


  • Develops psychological and mental powers, especially patience
  • Helps to cure gout and rheumatism of the knees, ankles and feet
  • Helps with hemorrhoid problems
  • Strengthens stomach muscles, weak joints, and feet (which have 1/4 of all the bones in the body)

Dead Body Pose


  • Returns circulation to normal
  • Improves concentration
  • Helps reduce hypertension, nervousness, anxiety, and irritability

Wind Removing Pose


  • Massages the colon
  • Helps and prevents constipation and irritable bowel syndrome
  • Stimulates the liver, small and large intestine, and spleen
  • Improves flexibility of the hip joints and relieves lower back pain
  • Firms the abdomen, thighs and hips



  • Strengthens and firms the abdomen
  • Increases flexibility of the spine, hamstrings, and sciatic nerve

Cobra, Locust, Full Locust, Bow Pose

Bhujangasana(Sanskrit), Salabhasana(Sanskrit), Poorna-Salabhasana(Sanskrit), Dhanurasana(Sanskrit)
  • Relieves back pain
  • Increases spinal strength and flexibility
  • Improves functioning of the large and small intestines, liver, kidney and spleen
  • Improves pigeon chest by opening rib cage, permitting maximum expansion of the lungs increasing oxygen intake
  • Improves digestion
  • Helps relieve lumbago, rheumatism and arthritis of the spine
  • Helps to cure gout, slipped disc, sciatica, tennis elbow
  • Helps relieve menstrual problems
  • Strengthens the immune system and revitalizes the thyroid
  • Improves flexibility of hip and shoulder joints
  • Strengthens and firms abdomen, hips, legs, buttocks and arms

Fixed Firm Pose


  • Helps to cure sciatica, gout and rheumatism in the legs
  • Helps to prevent hernia
  • Strengthens and improves flexibility of lower spine, knees, and ankles
  • Firms thighs, calf muscles and strengthens the abdomen

Half Tortoise Pose


  • Provides maximum relaxation
  • Stretches lower part of the lungs increasing blood circulation to the brain
  • Good for diabetes and anemia
  • Massages heart, lungs, and coronary arteries
  • Increases flexibility of the hip and shoulder joints
  • Firms abdomen and thighs

Camel Pose


  • Stretches abdominal organs and cures constipation
  • Stretches the throat, thyroid gland and parathyroid
  • Stimulates the nervous system
  • Opens rib cage to allow for maximum expansion of the lungs
  • Maximum compression of spine improving flexibility of the neck and spine
  • Firms the abdomen and slims the waistline

Rabbit Pose


  • Maximum stretch of the spine allowing nervous system to receive proper nutrition
  • Maintains mobility and elasticity of spine
  • Nurtures the nervous system, helps with depression
  • Improves digestion
  • Helps cure sinus problems, colds and chronic tonsillitis
  • Strengthens and firms abdomen and back muscles

Head to Knee with Stretching Pose

Janushirasana and Paschimotthanasana(Sanskrit)

  • Helps balance blood sugar levels
  • Improves kidney function
  • Improves digestion
  • Improves the flexibility of sciatic nerves, ankles and hip joints
  • Strengthens and firms abdomen and arms

Spine Twisting Pose


  • Increases circulation and nutrition to spinal nerves, veins, and tissues
  • Improves spinal elasticity and flexibility
  • Helps cure lumbago and rheumatism of the spine
  • Improves digestion
  • Firms abdomen, thighs and buttocks

Blowing in Firm

Kapalbhati in Vajrasana(Sanskrit)

Kayak Log 29 Dec 2013

Kayak Log 29 Dec 2013

Min: 7°C Visibility: Good, locally moderate later. Wind: Southerly moderate F4 to fresh F5 increasing fresh F5 to strong F6 this evening, then strong F7 by morning. Open Sea State: Slight to moderate with swell becoming rather rough to rough.

High Water time m ft     time     m     ft
03:00     9.0     29.5     15:27     9.2     30.2

Small Perception boat, helmet, lifejacket and warm gear

Calm with slight swell. Bit choppy at 4:10pm coming back past Gorey

3:00pm Depart Fort Henry, Grouville
3:50pm Mike's Slip St Caths
4:30pm Arrive Fort Henry, Grouville

Put GoPro on helmet. Looked very silly. Really good to be out in the boat. Hogged the coast so that I was always in swimming distance of the shore. Next time will bring paddle float, just in case!

Saturday 28 December 2013

This week training from 23 Dec 2013

This week training from 23 Dec 2013

Have been doing easy build-up to running plus 2 x yoga per week and weights
Now running OKish but slow. Ready to start build-up to strength/speed: hill reps and 1 mile repeats
Bike sessions are good, once we start spinning again and I hope to hang-on the coat tails of the Tri Club
Swim needs to improve with focus on balance, stroke count and 100m reps for speed/pace

Cycling target is 3 x 45min spinn for speed/strength + 3-4 hour ride for endurance (100 miles?)
Swim target is 2 x club sessions and 2 technique sessions (6000 meters?)
Run target is 2 x speed/strength (hill reps or 1 mile repeats) 1 x endurance (24 miles?)

Mon 23 Dec 2013
6:00am plyometric work with Dan Garido
5:30pm 2 x 45min spinn at FitnessFirst, then some stretching exercises

Tue 24 Dec 2013
Run: 12.875 miles 1.7 hrs 7K in 42mins at 6min per 1k, then 8.5mile in 1hr 2mins.

Wed 25 Dec 2013
Run: 4m to Gorey and Back
Swim: 100 mts 0.2 hrs christmas swim 10.2 degrees

Thu 26 Dec 2013
Row: 10 kilometers 1 hrs Boxing Day Row
Gym: 1 hrs cosgrove evail8, kettle, calves

Fri 27 Dec 2013
Swim: 2000 mts 0.8 hrs 5x400s as swim, paddle, pull, swim, paddle

Sat 28 Dec 2013
8:00am 8.5miles in 1hour 5mins
11:30am Crossfit Filthy Fifty x 2 then tried a 3rd attempt but binned at half-way
Total for day 2.5hours

Sun 29 Dec 2013
9:00am Bike 2hrs, 34miles?, then got a puncture
3:00pm weights session (upper body because knees hurt from crossfit)
Totals for week
Swim Mon 0; Tue 0; Wed 0; Thu 0; Fri 2k; Sat 0; Sun 0; Total =  2k / 0.75hrs
Bike  Mon 32/1.5; Tue 0; Wed 0; Thu 0; Fri 0; Sat 0; Sun 34/2; Total = 66miles / 3.5hrs
Run  Mon 0; Tue 12/1.5; Wed 4/0.5; Thu 0; Fri 0; Sat 8.5/1.25; Sun 0; Total = 24.5miles / 3.25hrs
Gym Mon 0.5; Tue 0; Wed 0; Thu 1; Fri 0; Sat 1.25; Sun 0; Total = 2.75hrs
Row Mon 0; Tue 0; Wed 0; Thu 10k/1hrs; Fri 0; Sat 0; Sun 0; Total = 10k/1hrs

Totals = 11.25 hours ish

Missed bike and swim targets but pleased to row and enjoyed the gym sessions

My strength sessions

My Body for Life weights programme

Lower Body Day (Sat?)

Squat 25kg bar, 12,12,10,8,6,12,12 
Deadlift 25kg bar, 12,12,10,8,6,12,12 
Lunge 2x14kg dumb, 12,12,10,8,6,12,12 
Step-Ups 2x16kg kettle, 12,12,10,8,6,12,12 
Calf Raise 2x16kg kettle, 12,12,10,8,6,12,12 

Upper Body Day (Sun?)

Chest Press 2x20kg dumb, 12,12,10,8,6,12,12 
Shoulder Press 2x10kg dumb, 12,12,10,8,6,12,12 
Back 1Arm Row 1x22kg dumb, 12,12,10,8,6,12,12 
Tricep Extn 1x14kg dumb, 12,12,10,8,6,12,12 
Bicep Curls 2x14kg dumb, 12,12,10,8,6,12,12 

My Kettle weights programme

Clean 16kg kettle, 10,10,10
Squat 2x16kg kettle, 10,10,10  
Swing 1x16kg kettle, 10,10,10  
Deadlift 1Leg 1x16kg kettle, 10,10,10  
Deadlift 2x16kg kettle, 10,10,10  

My Cosgrove Evil8 weights programme

Deadlift 22kg bar x6 
Straight 22kg bar x6  
Row 22kg bar x6  
Clean 22kg bar x6 
Front Squat 22kg bar x6 
Press 22kg bar x6 
Back Squat 22kg bar x6 
Good Morning 22kg bar x6 

All the above x 6sets

My typical training week for Spring 2014

My typical training week for Spring 2014

6:30am SLEEP
5:30pm 2 x 45min spinn at FitnessFirst, then some stretching exercises

6:30am 2k swim at AquaSplash (mostly drills)
6:00pm really should do a run (mile repeats or hill work) sometimes miss this!

6:30am 2k swim at AquaSplash (with Tri Club)
5:45pm 1 x 45min spinn at Bodyrox, then some stretching exercises

6:30am 2k swim at AquaSplash (mostly drills)
Sometimes I miss the swim and do a run 10k+/- need to do hilly work
6:00pm should do yoga or stretching

6:30am 2k swim at AquaSplash (with Tri Club)
6:00pm really should do a run (mile repeats or hill work) sometimes miss this!

Sat - sometimes swap sat/sun sessions depending on the weather
7:00am sometimes I do a short 4mile morning run
8:00am Bike either with Tri Club (fast) or Tony Williams (long)
3:00pm weights session

Sun- sometimes swap sat/sun sessions depending on the weather
7:30am Run 8.5miles min, longer is better
10:00pm should do yoga or stretching
3:00pm weights session

My first Crossfit session

I had my first Crossfit session today  and I was impressed. As far as reputation goes Crossfit is as tough as it goes, but in reality it is scalable for anyone of any fitness to set their targets to suit their abilities.

As a triathlete I need to swim, bike and run, so I did my normal run (9miles 1hour 5mins) not too hard so that I had plenty in reserve for the Crossfit session.

The Crossfit session is available from Link1 and was hard. My stamina is good but my strength/speed is poor so I managed the circuit, but did it slower than almost everyone else (26mins). I enjoyed it so much I had another go. As I say, my stamina is OK. On the second circuit I paced myself better but really s l o w e d when I got to 50 burpees. These are done with the chest hitting the floor and the hands and feet in the air like a free-fall sky diver and I really struggled to 'bounce' back up from these. I was pleased (but a bit frazzled) to complete my 2nd circuit.

Meanwhile, everyone else had finished and most had gone home except the real tough crew who were now set to do their circuit. Just to give you a guide, they blitzed the session in 18 minutes!!

Overall I was impressed by Joe and Grant, and despite the formidable reputation of Crossfit, would recommend it to others. Ultimately is is only as hard as you make it, but for some that is pretty damn hard!


The session was…
A) Warm Up
400m Run
Then 3 Rounds of:
Sit Ups x 10
HR Push Up x 10
For time:
50 Box jump (24 inch box)
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings (16kg)
50 Walking Lunge steps
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press (20kg)
50 Back extensions (substitute RDL – 20kg)
50 Wall ball shots (9kg)
50 Burpees
50 Double unders (or 150 single skips)

Thursday 26 December 2013


Playlist 131226/144249

1 Pencil Full of Lead 2:27 16/12/2012 16:57 Paolo Nu -- 0:02:27 mins
2 Traffic (Dj Montana 12` Edit) 7:38 12/12/2012 09:3 -- 0:10:05 mins
3 Bom Bom (Radio Edit) 2:54 16/12/2012 16:56 Sam and -- 0:12:59 mins
4 Rattle 3:54 10/06/2012 12:03 Bingo Players 80 Crea -- 0:16:53 mins
5 Strobe\'s Nanafushi 6:06 16/12/2012 17:33 Multi Tr -- 0:22:59 mins
6 Pretty Vegas 3:25 02/12/2012 20:50 INXS Switch -- 0:26:24 mins
7 Find My Baby 3:59 02/12/2007 17:48 Moby Play 1 Sp -- 0:30:23 mins
8 Kalifornia 5:53 02/12/2012 20:56 Fatboy Slim You\ -- 0:36:16 mins
9 Personal Jesus 4:07 12/05/2007 11:47 Marilyn Manso -- 0:40:23 mins
10 Mory Kante - Yeke Yeke 6:32 17/07/2011 20:29 Hardf -- 0:46:55 mins
11 Stone Roses - Waterfall (12 Mix) 5:35 05/02/2012 1 -- 0:52:30 mins
12 Place Your Hands 3:38 22/05/2007 22:22 Reef Indie -- 0:56:08 mins
13 The Joker 5:22 22/05/2007 22:22 Fatboy Slim Feat. -- 1:01:30 mins
14 The Stroke (Hans-O-Matik Radio Cut) 3:04 04/09/201 -- 1:04:34 mins
15 Sun To Me (Album Version) 7:51 12/12/2012 11:55 Fa -- 1:12:25 mins
16 Bom Bom (Pirupa Remix) 7:12 16/12/2012 16:58 Sam a -- 1:19:37 mins
17 120bpm flat cruise, summer1 t 4:47 11/09/2011 20:3 -- 1:24:24 mins
18 The Acoustic Motorbike - Luka Bloom 4:10 12/05/200 -- 1:28:34 mins



Playlist 131226/144236

1 Traffic (Dj Montana 12` Edit) 7:38 12/12/2012 09:3 -- 0:07:38 mins
2 Va Va Voom 2:57 01/01/2013 21:05 Nicki Minaj 80 Wo -- 0:10:35 mins
3 Bom Bom (Radio Edit) 2:54 16/12/2012 16:56 Sam and -- 0:13:29 mins
4 Three Triangles 4:00 01/01/2013 20:57 Hardwell 100 -- 0:17:29 mins
5 Greyhound (Original Mix) 6:50 03/04/2012 07:14 Swe -- 0:24:19 mins
6 thjrr 4:46 10/06/2012 12:38 2 24/03/2013 17:09 -- 0:29:05 mins
7 Made Of Sun (Stoneface & Terminal Remix) 3:31 01/0 -- 0:32:36 mins
8 Good Time 4:22 01/01/2013 21:06 Owl City Feat. Car -- 0:36:58 mins
9 Last Day On Earth [Instrumental] 3:30 10/06/2012 1 -- 0:40:28 mins
10 Who\'s Wearing The Cap (A-Trak Remix) 3:31 09/06/2 -- 0:43:59 mins
11 Oh ja (Club Mix) 5:11 02/09/2012 19:03 Green Stuff -- 0:49:10 mins
12 Harder Than You Think 3:13 01/01/2013 21:09 Public -- 0:52:23 mins
13 Levels Of Existence 6:36 26/11/2011 18:03 Solar Sp -- 0:58:59 mins
14 The Joker 5:22 22/05/2007 22:22 Fatboy Slim Feat. -- 1:04:21 mins
15 Feeling Good 3:20 07/05/2011 19:05 Muse Origin Of -- 1:07:41 mins
16 On The Run (2Phaze Remix) 7:05 02/09/2012 19:03 Vi -- 1:14:46 mins
17 Epidemic (No Respect Remix) 3:48 19/11/2012 09:12 -- 1:18:34 mins



Playlist 131226/144224

1 Skirts (Radio Edit) 3:14 12/01/2013 15:00 The Othe -- 0:03:14 mins
2 Play Hard (feat. Ne-Yo & Akon) 3:21 02/12/2012 21: -- 0:06:35 mins
3 Va Va Voom 2:57 01/01/2013 21:05 Nicki Minaj 80 Wo -- 0:09:32 mins
4 Turn Me On (Clean) 3:20 03/04/2012 06:47 David Gue -- 0:12:52 mins
5 The Pretender 4:29 15/01/2011 22:33 Foo Fighters -- 0:17:21 mins
6 Poison (Radio Edit) 3:48 12/01/2013 13:51 Nicole S -- 0:21:09 mins
7 Ottos Journey 3:58 12/01/2013 14:10 Mylo Destroy -- 0:25:07 mins
8 Three Triangles 4:00 01/01/2013 20:57 Hardwell 100 -- 0:29:07 mins
9 Made Of Sun (Stoneface & Terminal Remix) 3:31 01/0 -- 0:32:38 mins
10 Galvanize 4:28 15/08/2007 20:32 The Chemical Broth -- 0:37:06 mins
11 U2 - Elevation 3:37 12/01/2013 13:59 1 Spinning -- 0:40:43 mins
12 God Is A Dj (Edit) 3:43 12/01/2013 14:14 Pink God -- 0:44:26 mins
13 Pound The Alarm 3:25 12/01/2013 15:00 Nicki Minaj -- 0:47:51 mins
14 Where Them Girls At 3:31 15/10/2011 09:54 David Gu -- 0:51:22 mins
15 Oh ja (tr Mix) 3:33 02/09/2012 19:26 Green Stuff 6 -- 0:54:55 mins
16 Harder Than You Think 3:13 01/01/2013 21:09 Public -- 0:58:08 mins
17 Gettin\' Over You (Extended) 5:57 20/05/2011 22:50 -- 1:04:05 mins
18 Sunworshipper 3:27 12/05/2007 11:47 Mylo 60 Destro -- 1:07:32 mins
19 Lets Go (Feat. Calvin Harris) 3:53 12/01/2013 15:0 -- 1:11:25 mins
20 Beautiful People (Club Mix) 5:58 12/01/2013 15:00 -- 1:17:23 mins
21 Gold Digger 3:29 12/01/2013 14:02 Kanye West HIP -- 1:20:52 mins
22 Stronger..//x 3:50 12/01/2013 14:03 Hip Hop/Ra -- 1:24:42 mins
23 Get The Party Started 3:14 12/01/2013 14:17 Radio -- 1:27:56 mins
24 Survival 4:17 12/01/2013 15:00 Muse The 2nd Law 1 -- 1:32:13 mins
25 Oh ja (Club Mix) 5:11 02/09/2012 19:03 Green Stuff -- 1:37:24 mins



Playlist 131226/144213

1 Skirts (Radio Edit) 3:14 12/01/2013 15:00 The Othe -- 0:03:14 mins
2 Play Hard (feat. Ne-Yo & Akon) 3:21 02/12/2012 21: -- 0:06:35 mins
3 Starships 3:31 26/01/2013 17:50 Nicki Minaj Stars -- 0:10:06 mins
4 Valentine - Original Mix 7:21 22/05/2007 22:22 Ste -- 0:17:27 mins
5 Grounds for Divorce 3:39 31/07/2011 17:14 Elbow T -- 0:21:06 mins
6 Finale (Radio Edit) 2:54 26/01/2013 17:50 Madeon -- 0:24:00 mins
7 Sun To Me (Mark Knight Remix) 7:44 12/12/2012 12:1 -- 0:31:44 mins
8 No Church In The Wild (Ft. Meek Mill) 2:43 26/01/2 -- 0:34:27 mins
9 Money Maker 2:57 27/03/2012 06:24 The Black Keys -- 0:37:24 mins
10 Little Angel 2:52 31/07/2011 17:03 Hard-Fi Once U -- 0:40:16 mins
11 Tusk 3:35 27/01/2013 17:58 Fleetwood Mac The Very -- 0:43:51 mins
12 Whirl-Y-Reel 2 (Folk Police Mix) 5:28 16/06/2007 1 -- 0:49:19 mins
13 Let\'s Get It On (Royal Remix) 2:00 26/01/2013 16: -- 0:51:19 mins
14 Sunchyme 6:07 18/08/2007 19:10 Dario G Rpm 35 1 E -- 0:57:26 mins
15 Gettin\' Over You (Extended) 5:57 20/05/2011 22:50 -- 1:03:23 mins
16 Try My Rock - Original Mix 6:53 22/05/2007 22:22 H -- 1:10:16 mins
17 Sunworshipper 3:27 12/05/2007 11:47 Mylo 60 Destro -- 1:13:43 mins
18 Find My Baby 3:59 02/12/2007 17:48 Moby Play 1 Sp -- 1:17:42 mins
19 Icarus 5:27 26/01/2013 17:50 Ralphie B A State of -- 1:23:09 mins
20 Connected 3:46 22/05/2007 22:22 Stereo MC\'s Unbe -- 1:26:55 mins
21 Love Lockdown 3:16 26/01/2013 17:50 Kanye West Hi -- 1:30:11 mins
22 Pound The Alarm 3:25 12/01/2013 15:00 Nicki Minaj -- 1:33:36 mins
23 Where Them Girls At 3:31 15/10/2011 09:54 David Gu -- 1:37:07 mins
24 Oh ja (tr Mix) 3:33 02/09/2012 19:26 Green Stuff 6 -- 1:40:40 mins
25 Harder Than You Think 3:13 01/01/2013 21:09 Public -- 1:43:53 mins
26 Lets Go (Feat. Calvin Harris) 3:53 12/01/2013 15:0 -- 1:47:46 mins
27 Beautiful People (Club Mix) 5:58 12/01/2013 15:00 -- 1:53:44 mins
28 Gold Digger 3:29 12/01/2013 14:02 Kanye West HIP -- 1:57:13 mins
29 Stronger..//x 3:50 12/01/2013 14:03 Hip Hop/Ra -- 2:01:03 mins
30 Get The Party Started 3:14 12/01/2013 14:17 Radio -- 2:04:17 mins
31 Survival 4:17 12/01/2013 15:00 Muse The 2nd Law 1 -- 2:08:34 mins
32 Oh ja (Club Mix) 5:11 02/09/2012 19:03 Green Stuff -- 2:13:45 mins
33 Funky Cold Medina 3:04 05/10/2007 19:13 Indoor Cyc -- 2:16:49 mins
34 rob d 4:26 16/06/2007 12:51 clubbed to death 100 T -- 2:21:15 mins
35 Sun To Me (Radio Edit) 3:23 12/12/2012 12:03 Faith -- 2:24:38 mins



Playlist 131226/144157

1 Venus 5:42 10/02/2013 16:59 Don Pablo\'s Animals -- 0:05:42 mins
2 Pencil Full of Lead 2:27 16/12/2012 16:57 Paolo Nu -- 0:08:09 mins
3 Paul Oakenfold - Ready Steady Go 4:49 27/03/2012 0 -- 0:12:58 mins
4 Propane Nightmares 5:13 03/04/2011 17:18 Pendulum -- 0:18:11 mins
5 Salva Mea (Way Out West Remix) 7:50 10/02/2013 16: -- 0:26:01 mins
6 Funky Cold Medina 3:04 05/10/2007 19:13 Indoor Cyc -- 0:29:05 mins
7 Underdog 4:33 03/04/2011 17:21 Kasabian Mastermix -- 0:33:38 mins
8 Sunshine of Your Love (DT\'s Radio Edit) 3:16 05/0 -- 0:36:54 mins
9 Body II Body 3:58 10/02/2013 16:55 Samantha Mumba -- 0:40:52 mins
10 Track 02 5:54 31/07/2011 17:06 gods kitchen yellow -- 0:46:46 mins
11 Track 06 show you what i\'m capable of 3:30 12/05/ -- 0:50:16 mins
12 Louder (Hardwell Remix) 4:43 09/04/2012 16:24 DJ F -- 0:54:59 mins
13 Icarus 5:27 26/01/2013 17:50 Ralphie B A State of -- 1:00:26 mins
14 Sho Nuff 3:21 02/12/2012 20:57 Fatboy Slim The Gr -- 1:03:47 mins
15 smells like teen spirit 6:46 09/11/2011 15:22 smel -- 1:10:33 mins
16 row001_thunder2 4:25 22/01/2012 15:15 15 18/03 -- 1:14:58 mins
17 All Star 3:21 10/02/2013 16:54 Smash Mouth All St -- 1:18:19 mins



Playlist 131226/144140

1 Dirty Talk (Denzal Park Vocal Dub) 5:15 09/03/2013 -- 0:05:15 mins
2 Good Feeling (Jaywalker Dub Mix) 4:52 09/03/2013 1 -- 0:10:07 mins
3 Voodoo People (Pendulum Remix) 5:08 10/03/2013 15: -- 0:15:15 mins
4 Club Rocker (Play & Win Extended Version) 4:16 09/ -- 0:19:31 mins
5 Sun To Me (Mark Knight Remix) 7:44 12/12/2012 12:1 -- 0:27:15 mins
6 Boomerang (X-Mix Dub) (90 BPM) 2:19 09/03/2013 13: -- 0:29:34 mins
7 Who The Hell Are You? 3:28 10/02/2013 16:55 Madiso -- 0:33:02 mins
8 I Believe 2008 (Dabruck & Klein Dub Mix) 3:41 15/0 -- 0:36:43 mins
9 Raindrops (Encore une fois) [Extended Mix] 5:15 17 -- 0:41:58 mins
10 eup_cd2o04 5:02 15/08/2007 21:57 5 Spinninterva -- 0:47:00 mins
11 eup_cd2o02 6:24 15/08/2007 21:57 60 3 Spinninter -- 0:53:24 mins
12 U Don't Know Me (JaxxHouz Klubmix) 5:16 12/05/200 -- 0:58:40 mins
13 the race 8:12 15/08/2007 21:55 yello 100 the race -- 1:06:52 mins
14 Werewolves Of London 3:30 23/06/2007 12:03 Warren -- 1:10:22 mins
15 BT 7:49 16/07/2007 21:35 Various Artists Spinning -- 1:18:11 mins
16 rob d 4:26 16/06/2007 12:51 clubbed to death 100 T -- 1:22:37 mins
17 Gone Going 3:14 22/05/2007 22:22 Black Eyed Peas -- 1:25:51 mins
18 Epidemic (No Respect Remix) 3:48 19/11/2012 09:12 -- 1:29:39 mins
19 Steve Stevens - Our Man in Istanbul 6:15 23/07/201 -- 1:35:54 mins
20 Are You Gonna Be My Girl 3:37 20/05/2007 13:55 Jet -- 1:39:31 mins
21 Watching You 3:29 22/05/2007 22:22 Rogue Traders -- 1:43:00 mins
22 cry me a river 6:10 03/03/2013 11:29 2 Blues 09 -- 1:49:10 mins
23 Mory Kante - Yeke Yeke 6:32 03/03/2013 11:17 Hardf -- 1:55:42 mins



Playlist 131226/144127

1 We Come 1 8:19 10/09/2012 19:26 Faithless Outrosp -- 0:08:19 mins
2 I Can Only Imagine 3:35 06/08/2012 22:00 David Gue -- 0:11:54 mins
3 Good Feeling (Jaywalker Dub Mix) 4:52 09/03/2013 1 -- 0:16:46 mins
4 thjrr 4:46 10/06/2012 12:38 2 24/03/2013 17:09 -- 0:21:32 mins
5 Supermassive Black Hole 3:29 22/05/2007 22:22 Muse -- 0:25:01 mins
6 Basement Jaxx - Rendez-Vu 5:44 09/04/2012 17:04 Va -- 0:30:45 mins
7 Sexy Bitch 3:26 15/10/2011 09:54 David Guetta feat -- 0:34:11 mins
8 C\'mon 5:14 12/02/2011 17:49 Tiësto Vs Diplo 100 S -- 0:39:25 mins
9 Round And Round 3:24 12/06/2011 16:19 Bodyrockers -- 0:42:49 mins
10 Whirl-Y-Reel 2 (Folk Police Mix) 5:28 16/06/2007 1 -- 0:48:17 mins
11 Praise You 5:24 31/07/2011 17:11 Fatboy Slim You\ -- 0:53:41 mins
12 Otherland 6:52 26/11/2011 17:48 Solar Spectrum 80 -- 1:00:33 mins
13 eup_cd2o02 6:24 15/08/2007 21:57 60 3 Spinninter -- 1:06:57 mins
14 Cold Cut Feet 3:28 24/04/2012 06:16 Indoor Cycling -- 1:10:25 mins
15 unsquare dance 2:01 31/05/2010 18:14 Dave Brubeck -- 1:12:26 mins
16 Boomerang (X-Mix Dub) (90 BPM) 2:19 09/03/2013 13: -- 1:14:45 mins
17 Who The Hell Are You? 3:28 10/02/2013 16:55 Madiso -- 1:18:13 mins
18 rob d 4:26 16/06/2007 12:51 clubbed to death 100 T -- 1:22:39 mins
19 Gone Going 3:14 22/05/2007 22:22 Black Eyed Peas -- 1:25:53 mins
20 Epidemic (No Respect Remix) 3:48 19/11/2012 09:12 -- 1:29:41 mins
21 Steve Stevens - Our Man in Istanbul 6:15 23/07/201 -- 1:35:56 mins
22 Are You Gonna Be My Girl 3:37 20/05/2007 13:55 Jet -- 1:39:33 mins
23 Watching You 3:28 22/05/2007 22:22 Rogue Traders -- 1:43:01 mins
24 cry me a river 6:10 03/03/2013 11:29 2 Blues 09 -- 1:49:11 mins
25 Christopher Lawrence 6:21 16/07/2007 21:36 Rush Ho -- 1:55:32 mins
26 Belsunce breakdown 3:58 12/06/2011 16:20 Bouga-Akh -- 1:59:30 mins
27 row002_18Olive 6:41 22/01/2012 15:15 4 24/05/2 -- 2:06:11 mins
28 The Time (Dirty Bit) 4:13 09/01/2011 13:44 The Bla -- 2:10:24 mins
29 Insomnia 3:34 31/07/2011 17:11 Farithless 100 90\ -- 2:13:58 mins



Playlist 131226/144114

1 We Come 1 8:19 10/09/2012 19:26 Faithless Outrosp -- 0:08:19 mins
2 Mama Do The Hump 3:37 09/04/2012 16:38 Rizzle Kick -- 0:11:56 mins
3 Who\'s Wearing The Cap (A-Trak Remix) 3:31 09/06/2 -- 0:15:27 mins
4 Bom Bom (Radio Edit) 2:54 16/12/2012 16:56 Sam and -- 0:18:21 mins
5 Played-A-Live (Darude Vs Js16) 6:54 01/10/2012 20: -- 0:25:15 mins
6 Nightmare (original sinister strings mix) 4:25 12/ -- 0:29:40 mins
7 Otherland 6:52 26/11/2011 17:48 Solar Spectrum 80 -- 0:36:32 mins
8 Adelante 3:35 12/12/2012 11:48 Sash The Best Of ( -- 0:40:07 mins
9 Neon 3:47 01/01/2013 21:01 Eddie Halliwell 60 DJ M -- 0:43:54 mins
10 Levels Of Existence 6:36 26/11/2011 18:03 Solar Sp -- 0:50:30 mins
11 Oh ja (tr Mix) 3:33 02/09/2012 19:26 Green Stuff 6 -- 0:54:03 mins
12 Hangover 4:05 03/04/2012 22:02 Taio Cruz feat. Flo -- 0:58:08 mins
13 Welcome To Africa 7:01 01/10/2012 20:00 Paffendorf -- 1:05:09 mins
14 Walkin\' On The Sun 3:24 15/10/2011 09:54 Smash Mo -- 1:08:33 mins
15 Saturn - Original Mix 7:48 02/12/2012 20:51 Sebast -- 1:16:21 mins



Playlist 131226/144103

1 lemon jelly fun ride 4:31 14/04/2013 18:37 ?Lemon -- 0:04:31 mins
2 Pencil Full of Lead 2:27 09/04/2012 16:37 Paolo Nu -- 0:06:58 mins
3 Are You Gonna Be My Girl 3:37 29/04/2012 17:23 Jet -- 0:10:35 mins
4 Runnin\' Wild 3:38 14/03/2010 16:14 Airbourne 80 R -- 0:14:13 mins
5 Lighting Bolt 2:24 14/04/2013 18:34 Jake Bugg Jak -- 0:16:37 mins
6 I See You Baby (Fatboy Slim Radio Edit) 4:05 27/08 -- 0:20:42 mins
7 Whirl-Y-Reel 2 (Folk Police Mix) 5:28 16/06/2007 1 -- 0:26:10 mins
8 It\'s A Long Way To The Top 5:16 21/12/2012 13:58 -- 0:31:26 mins
9 Tusk 3:35 23/07/2012 22:27 Fleetwood Mac The Very -- 0:35:01 mins
10 johnleehooker2 2:40 15/08/2007 21:55 Spinnclim -- 0:37:41 mins
11 Round And Round 3:24 12/06/2011 16:19 Bodyrockers -- 0:41:05 mins
12 Sho Nuff 3:21 02/12/2012 20:57 Fatboy Slim The Gr -- 0:44:26 mins
13 Praise You 5:24 31/07/2011 17:11 Fatboy Slim You\ -- 0:49:50 mins
14 Sunworshipper 3:27 12/05/2007 11:47 Mylo 60 Destro -- 0:53:17 mins
15 Good Feeling 4:07 26/11/2011 17:03 Flo Rida Good -- 0:57:24 mins
16 Live Wire 5:50 17/07/2011 17:28 Ac/Dc High Voltag -- 1:03:14 mins
17 Starships 3:31 26/01/2013 17:50 Nicki Minaj Stars -- 1:06:45 mins
18 I Like To Move It 6:30 01/10/2012 19:58 Zoo Gang -- 1:13:15 mins
19 Cold Cut Feet 3:28 24/04/2012 06:16 Indoor Cycling -- 1:16:43 mins
20 Fools Gold 4:19 02/12/2012 20:52 The Stone Roses -- 1:21:02 mins
21 Bangduck (Moguai Remix) 4:07 01/01/2013 20:57 Afro -- 1:25:09 mins
22 eup_cd2o02 6:24 15/08/2007 21:57 60 3 Spinninter -- 1:31:33 mins
23 rob d 4:26 16/06/2007 12:51 clubbed to death 100 T -- 1:35:59 mins
24 Gone Going 3:14 22/05/2007 22:22 Black Eyed Peas -- 1:39:13 mins
25 Epidemic (No Respect Remix) 3:48 19/11/2012 09:12 -- 1:43:01 mins
26 Steve Stevens - Our Man in Istanbul 6:15 23/07/201 -- 1:49:16 mins
27 Are You Gonna Be My Girl 3:37 20/05/2007 13:55 Jet -- 1:52:53 mins
28 Christopher Lawrence 6:21 16/07/2007 21:36 Rush Ho -- 1:59:14 mins
29 Belsunce breakdown 3:58 12/06/2011 16:20 Bouga-Akh -- 2:03:12 mins
30 row002_18Olive 6:41 22/01/2012 15:15 4 24/05/2 -- 2:09:53 mins
31 Insomnia 3:34 31/07/2011 17:11 Farithless 100 90\ -- 2:13:27 mins
32 Something New 5:44 01/01/2013 21:26 Girls Aloud W -- 2:19:11 mins
33 Lovegame 4:41 01/01/2013 21:08 Lady Gaga Feat. Mar -- 2:23:52 mins
34 I Need You So (Aboutblank & Klc Original Mix) 6:05 -- 2:29:57 mins
35 On The Run (2Phaze Remix) 7:05 02/09/2012 19:03 Vi -- 2:37:02 mins



Playlist 131226/144050

1 American Dream 4:29 22/05/2007 22:22 Jakatta Visi -- 0:04:29 mins
2 Rattle 3:54 10/06/2012 12:03 Bingo Players 80 Crea -- 0:08:23 mins
3 Bangduck (Moguai Remix) 4:07 01/01/2013 20:57 Afro -- 0:12:30 mins
4 D.E.V.I.L - Michael Woods Mix 3:01 12/12/2012 11:5 -- 0:15:31 mins
5 Blast The Speakers 7:16 03/07/2011 10:58 Warp Brot -- 0:22:47 mins
6 Disturbia 3:59 03/04/2011 17:19 Rihanna Good Girl -- 0:26:46 mins
7 mintroyal01 4:16 15/08/2007 21:55 7 Spinnclimb -- 0:31:02 mins
8 Raindrops (Encore une fois) [Extended Mix] 5:15 22 -- 0:36:17 mins
9 Ooh La La 3:24 03/04/2011 16:59 Goldfrapp Superna -- 0:39:41 mins
10 Sweat (Snoop Dogg vs. David Guetta) [Remix] 3:16 1 -- 0:42:57 mins
11 Oh Well - Part 1 & Part 2 2:23 16/06/2007 12:48 Fl -- 0:45:20 mins
12 Christopher Lawrence 6:21 16/07/2007 21:36 Rush Ho -- 0:51:41 mins
13 moby_dioTrack 01 3:30 27/04/2013 13:38 moby play -- 0:55:11 mins
14 I Don\'t Care 3:39 31/07/2011 17:12 Fall Out Boy -- 0:58:50 mins
15 She Sells Sanctuary 4:25 03/11/2007 07:43 The Cult -- 1:03:15 mins
16 Lonely Boy 3:13 27/03/2012 06:24 The Black Keys E -- 1:06:28 mins
17 Tick Tick Boom 3:44 05/11/2007 21:09 The Hives 100 -- 1:10:12 mins
18 Dog Days Are Over 4:10 28/04/2013 17:14 Florence A -- 1:14:22 mins
19 Money Maker 2:57 27/03/2012 06:24 The Black Keys -- 1:17:19 mins
20 row002_18Olive 6:41 22/01/2012 15:15 4 24/05/2 -- 1:24:00 mins
21 American idiot 2:54 15/08/2007 21:15 greenday ame -- 1:26:54 mins
22 I\'m Free (featuring Junior Reid) 3:52 22/05/2007 -- 1:30:46 mins
23 Dance, Dance 3:00 12/06/2011 16:21 Fall Out Boy F -- 1:33:46 mins
24 Killer 4:11 22/05/2007 22:22 Various Artists Unbe -- 1:37:57 mins
25 Find My Baby 3:59 02/12/2007 17:48 Moby Play 1 Sp -- 1:41:56 mins
26 Connected 3:46 22/05/2007 22:22 Stereo MC\'s Unbe -- 1:45:42 mins
27 Dakota 4:58 15/08/2007 20:41 Stereophonics Now Th -- 1:50:40 mins
28 Somebody Told Me 3:18 15/08/2007 20:40 The Killers -- 1:53:58 mins
29 The Cult 4:16 31/07/2011 16:43 The Best Air Guitar -- 1:58:14 mins
30 Love Removal Machine 4:14 29/01/2011 21:12 The Cul -- 2:02:28 mins
31 Strict Machine 3:52 31/07/2011 17:05 Goldfrapp Bl -- 2:06:20 mins
32 I Believe 2008 (Dabruck & Klein Dub Mix) 3:41 15/0 -- 2:10:01 mins
33 Track 06 spinn green outnman in instambul 6:15 22/ -- 2:16:16 mins
34 T.N.T. 3:36 03/04/2011 16:59 Ac/Dc T.N.T. 1 Hard -- 2:19:52 mins



Playlist 131226/144036

1 It\'s A Long Way To The Top 5:16 21/12/2012 13:58 -- 0:05:16 mins
2 Tusk 3:35 23/07/2012 22:27 Fleetwood Mac The Very -- 0:08:51 mins
3 johnleehooker2 2:40 15/08/2007 21:55 Spinnclim -- 0:11:31 mins
4 Round And Round 3:24 12/06/2011 16:19 Bodyrockers -- 0:14:55 mins
5 Sho Nuff 3:21 02/12/2012 20:57 Fatboy Slim The Gr -- 0:18:16 mins
6 Praise You 5:24 31/07/2011 17:11 Fatboy Slim You\ -- 0:23:40 mins
7 Sunworshipper 3:27 12/05/2007 11:47 Mylo 60 Destro -- 0:27:07 mins
8 Good Feeling 4:07 26/11/2011 17:03 Flo Rida Good -- 0:31:14 mins
9 Live Wire 5:50 17/07/2011 17:28 Ac/Dc High Voltag -- 0:37:04 mins
10 Starships 3:31 26/01/2013 17:50 Nicki Minaj Stars -- 0:40:35 mins
11 I Like To Move It 6:30 01/10/2012 19:58 Zoo Gang -- 0:47:05 mins
12 Cold Cut Feet 3:28 24/04/2012 06:16 Indoor Cycling -- 0:50:33 mins
13 Fools Gold 4:19 02/12/2012 20:52 The Stone Roses -- 0:54:52 mins
14 Bangduck (Moguai Remix) 4:07 01/01/2013 20:57 Afro -- 0:58:59 mins
15 eup_cd2o02 6:24 15/08/2007 21:57 60 3 Spinninter -- 1:05:23 mins
16 rob d 4:26 16/06/2007 12:51 clubbed to death 100 T -- 1:09:49 mins
17 Gone Going 3:14 22/05/2007 22:22 Black Eyed Peas -- 1:13:03 mins
18 Epidemic (No Respect Remix) 3:48 19/11/2012 09:12 -- 1:16:51 mins
19 Steve Stevens - Our Man in Istanbul 6:15 23/07/201 -- 1:23:06 mins
20 Are You Gonna Be My Girl 3:37 20/05/2007 13:55 Jet -- 1:26:43 mins
21 Christopher Lawrence 6:21 16/07/2007 21:36 Rush Ho -- 1:33:04 mins
22 Belsunce breakdown 3:58 12/06/2011 16:20 Bouga-Akh -- 1:37:02 mins



Playlist 131226/144019

1 Cowgirl 4:57 02/06/2013 15:40 Underworld Cream 15 -- 0:04:57 mins
2 Mpire (Original Mix) 6:25 02/06/2013 15:53 Moguai -- 0:11:22 mins
3 Copy Control Cat - Phatjak Remix 8:09 05/02/2012 1 -- 0:19:31 mins
4 Bangduck (Moguai Remix) 4:07 01/01/2013 20:57 Afro -- 0:23:38 mins
5 Louder (Hardwell Remix) 4:43 09/04/2012 16:24 DJ F -- 0:28:21 mins
6 Last Day On Earth [Instrumental] 3:30 10/06/2012 1 -- 0:31:51 mins
7 Sun To Me (Mark Knight Remix) 7:44 12/12/2012 12:1 -- 0:39:35 mins
8 Otherland 6:52 26/11/2011 17:48 Solar Spectrum 80 -- 0:46:27 mins
9 Whirl-Y-Reel 2 (Folk Police Mix) 5:28 16/06/2007 1 -- 0:51:55 mins
10 Mory Kante - Yeke Yeke 6:32 17/07/2011 20:29 Hardf -- 0:58:27 mins
11 Tick Tick Boom 3:44 05/11/2007 21:09 The Hives 100 -- 1:02:11 mins
12 Dog Days Are Over 4:10 28/04/2013 17:14 Florence A -- 1:06:21 mins
13 Place Your Hands 3:38 22/05/2007 22:22 Reef Indie -- 1:09:59 mins
14 Fools Gold 4:19 02/12/2012 20:52 The Stone Roses -- 1:14:18 mins
15 move on up 3:51 02/12/2012 20:53 primal scream - s -- 1:18:09 mins
16 Fade Into Darkness 3:35 09/06/2012 23:16 Avicii C -- 1:21:44 mins
17 Steve Stevens - Our Man in Istanbul 6:15 23/07/201 -- 1:27:59 mins
18 Salva Mea (Way Out West Remix) 7:50 12/05/2007 11: -- 1:35:49 mins
19 Dark & Long Underworld 6:09 02/06/2013 16:36 Und -- 1:41:58 mins
20 Pump It Up 3:13 02/06/2013 14:41 Elvis Costello T -- 1:45:11 mins
21 Zero 76 (Original Mix) 6:06 02/06/2013 15:55 Tiest -- 1:51:17 mins
22 Warriors Dance 5:12 02/06/2013 16:43 The Prodigy -- 1:56:29 mins
23 Strobe\'s Nanafushi 6:06 16/12/2012 17:33 Multi Tr -- 2:02:35 mins



Playlist 131226/144007

1 Zero 76 (Original Mix) 6:06 02/06/2013 15:55 Tiest -- 0:06:06 mins
2 Good Feeling (Jaywalker Dub Mix) 4:52 09/03/2013 1 -- 0:10:58 mins
3 Track 01 body rockers 3:22 05/04/2010 19:40 body r -- 0:14:20 mins
4 I\'m A Man (Album Mix) 4:33 30/06/2013 20:03 Black -- 0:18:53 mins
5 Va Va Voom 2:57 01/01/2013 21:05 Nicki Minaj 80 Wo -- 0:21:50 mins
6 Sun To Me (Mark Knight Remix) 7:44 12/12/2012 12:1 -- 0:29:34 mins
7 eup_cd2o02 6:24 15/08/2007 21:57 60 3 Spinninter -- 0:35:58 mins
8 Tusk 3:35 27/01/2013 17:58 Fleetwood Mac The Very -- 0:39:33 mins
9 Can\'T Hold Us 4:19 30/06/2013 20:03 Macklemore & -- 0:43:52 mins
10 Keep Your Boots On 3:13 12/06/2011 16:19 Bodyrocke -- 0:47:05 mins
11 Sunchyme 6:07 18/08/2007 19:10 Dario G Rpm 35 1 E -- 0:53:12 mins
12 DANi CALFORNiA 4:40 22/05/2007 22:22 RED H0T CHiLi -- 0:57:52 mins
13 Club Rocker (Play & Win Extended Version) 4:16 09/ -- 1:02:08 mins
14 Christopher Lawrence 6:21 16/07/2007 21:36 Rush Ho -- 1:08:29 mins
15 Heart Attack And Vine 4:27 16/06/2007 13:02 Scream -- 1:12:56 mins
16 Mpire (Original Mix) 6:25 02/06/2013 15:53 Moguai -- 1:19:21 mins
17 C\'mon 5:14 12/02/2011 17:49 Tiësto Vs Diplo 100 S -- 1:24:35 mins
18 Commander 3:41 12/02/2011 17:49 Kelly Rowland Feat -- 1:28:16 mins
19 Strobe\'s Nanafushi 6:06 16/12/2012 17:33 Multi Tr -- 1:34:22 mins
20 Fade Into Darkness 3:35 09/06/2012 23:16 Avicii C -- 1:37:57 mins
21 Salva Mea (Way Out West Remix) 7:50 12/05/2007 11: -- 1:45:47 mins
22 Watching You 3:28 22/05/2007 22:22 Rogue Traders -- 1:49:15 mins
23 Copy Control Cat - Phatjak Remix 8:09 05/02/2012 1 -- 1:57:24 mins
24 U2 - Even Better Than The Real Thing (Perfecto Rem -- 1:57:26 mins
25 Vertigo 3:15 12/01/2013 13:59 U2 How To Dismantle -- 2:00:41 mins
26 Shut Up and Drive 3:33 17/06/2013 06:56 Rihanna G -- 2:04:14 mins
27 Suburban Knights 4:30 31/07/2011 17:02 Hard-Fi On -- 2:08:44 mins
28 Steve Stevens - Our Man in Istanbul 6:15 23/07/201 -- 2:14:59 mins
29 Ready To Go 2:40 16/07/2007 21:10 Republica 60 Wor -- 2:17:39 mins
30 Who The Hell Are You? 3:28 10/02/2013 16:55 Madiso -- 2:21:07 mins
31 I Believe 2008 (Dabruck & Klein Dub Mix) 3:41 15/0 -- 2:24:48 mins
32 Little Angel 2:52 31/07/2011 17:03 Hard-Fi Once U -- 2:27:40 mins
33 Underworld - Born Slippy Nuxx (Paul Oakenfold Remi -- 2:27:40 mins
34 move on up 3:51 02/12/2012 20:53 primal scream - s -- 2:31:31 mins
35 Underneath The Radar 6:05 17/06/2013 06:44 Underwo -- 2:37:36 mins
36 Payphone (Ft. Wiz Khalifa) 3:52 06/08/2012 21:59 M -- 2:41:28 mins
37 Pump It Up 3:13 02/06/2013 14:41 Elvis Costello T -- 2:44:41 mins



Playlist 131226/143954

1 Cannonball 3:21 27/04/2013 13:18 Showtek & Justin -- 0:03:21 mins
2 Can\'T Hold Us 4:19 30/06/2013 20:03 Macklemore & -- 0:07:40 mins
3 U2 - Even Better Than The Real Thing (Perfecto Rem -- 0:07:42 mins
4 Copy Control Cat - Phatjak Remix 8:09 05/02/2012 1 -- 0:15:51 mins
5 BT 7:49 16/07/2007 21:35 Various Artists Spinning -- 0:23:40 mins
6 I Believe 2008 (Dabruck & Klein Dub Mix) 3:41 15/0 -- 0:27:21 mins
7 Underworld - Born Slippy Nuxx (Paul Oakenfold Remi -- 0:27:21 mins
8 Mpire (Original Mix) 6:25 02/06/2013 15:53 Moguai -- 0:33:46 mins
9 I\'m A Man (Album Mix) 4:33 30/06/2013 20:03 Black -- 0:38:19 mins
10 The Stroke (Hans-O-Matik Radio Cut) 3:04 04/09/201 -- 0:41:23 mins
11 Keep Your Boots On 3:13 12/06/2011 16:19 Bodyrocke -- 0:44:36 mins
12 Good Feeling 4:07 26/11/2011 17:03 Flo Rida Good -- 0:48:43 mins
13 Sunchyme 6:07 18/08/2007 19:10 Dario G Rpm 35 1 E -- 0:54:50 mins
14 Jailbreak 4:42 02/07/2013 21:17 AC-DC \'74 Jailbr -- 0:59:32 mins
15 Clash 6:08 27/04/2013 13:18 Alesso Future Trance -- 1:05:40 mins
16 Gone Going 3:14 22/05/2007 22:22 Black Eyed Peas -- 1:08:54 mins



Playlist 131226/143940

1 Pon De Replay 4:07 05/11/2007 21:09 Rihanna 80 Mus -- 0:04:07 mins
2 Groovy Train 4:07 22/05/2007 22:22 The Farm 80 Unb -- 0:08:14 mins
3 AudioTrack 01 6:28 15/08/2007 21:55 fat boy slim -- 0:14:42 mins
4 Ocean Of Sadness - Original Mix 8:49 22/05/2007 22 -- 0:23:31 mins
5 Try My Rock - Original Mix 6:53 22/05/2007 22:22 H -- 0:30:24 mins
6 Who\'s Wearing The Cap (A-Trak Remix) 3:31 09/06/2 -- 0:33:55 mins
7 The Return Of Nothing - Evolution Mix 3:57 21/07/2 -- 0:37:52 mins
8 Track 07 7:50 22/05/2007 22:22 spinn_feb2006 spin -- 0:45:42 mins
9 Personal Jesus 4:07 12/05/2007 11:47 Marilyn Manso -- 0:49:49 mins
10 Basement Jaxx - Rendez-Vu 5:44 09/04/2012 17:04 Va -- 0:55:33 mins
11 your not in the room 3:35 09/11/2011 15:31 -- 0:59:08 mins
12 Neon 3:47 01/01/2013 21:01 Eddie Halliwell 60 DJ M -- 1:02:55 mins



Playlist 131226/143924

1 Jailbreak 4:42 02/07/2013 21:17 AC-DC \'74 Jailbr -- 0:04:42 mins
2 Rattle 3:54 10/06/2012 12:03 Bingo Players 80 Crea -- 0:08:36 mins
3 Bangduck (Moguai Remix) 4:07 01/01/2013 20:57 Afro -- 0:12:43 mins
4 Good Feeling 4:07 26/11/2011 17:03 Flo Rida Good -- 0:16:50 mins
5 Whirl-Y-Reel 2 (Folk Police Mix) 5:28 16/06/2007 1 -- 0:22:18 mins
6 Holiday 3:53 15/08/2007 21:15 greenday americanid -- 0:26:11 mins
7 No One Knows 4:39 12/05/2007 11:47 Queens Of The S -- 0:30:50 mins
8 Hangover 4:05 03/04/2012 22:02 Taio Cruz feat. Flo -- 0:34:55 mins
9 Salva Mea (Way Out West Remix) 7:50 12/05/2007 11: -- 0:42:45 mins
10 Dog Days Are Over 4:10 28/04/2013 17:14 Florence A -- 0:46:55 mins
11 I\'m A Man (Album Mix) 4:33 30/06/2013 20:03 Black -- 0:51:28 mins
12 Mpire (Original Mix) 6:25 02/06/2013 15:53 Moguai -- 0:57:53 mins
13 Keep Your Boots On 3:13 12/06/2011 16:19 Bodyrocke -- 1:01:06 mins



Playlist 131226/143903

1 Va Va Voom 2:57 01/01/2013 21:05 Nicki Minaj 80 Wo -- 0:02:57 mins
2 Three Triangles 4:00 01/01/2013 20:57 Hardwell 100 -- 0:06:57 mins
3 Little Bird 4:53 13/08/2012 21:32 Annie Lennox Di -- 0:11:50 mins
4 Sun To Me (Mark Knight Remix) 7:44 12/12/2012 12:1 -- 0:19:34 mins
5 I Can Only Imagine 3:35 06/08/2012 22:00 David Gue -- 0:23:09 mins
6 dallas 3:29 22/05/2007 22:22 Dallas sprints cd 1 -- 0:26:38 mins
7 Disturbia 3:59 03/04/2011 17:19 Rihanna Good Girl -- 0:30:37 mins
8 Bom Bom (Radio Edit) 2:54 16/12/2012 16:56 Sam and -- 0:33:31 mins
9 The Pretender 4:29 15/01/2011 22:33 Foo Fighters -- 0:38:00 mins
10 Weapon Of Choice 5:46 31/07/2011 17:11 Fatboy Slim -- 0:43:46 mins
11 Christopher Lawrence 6:21 16/07/2007 21:36 Rush Ho -- 0:50:07 mins
12 Neon 3:47 01/01/2013 21:01 Eddie Halliwell 60 DJ M -- 0:53:54 mins
13 Ready To Go 2:40 16/07/2007 21:10 Republica 60 Wor -- 0:56:34 mins
14 Keep Your Boots On 3:13 12/06/2011 16:19 Bodyrocke -- 0:59:47 mins
15 Dog Days Are Over 4:10 28/04/2013 17:14 Florence A -- 1:03:57 mins
16 5 Years Time 3:35 12/12/2012 11:58 Noah And The Wh -- 1:07:32 mins
17 Cowgirl 4:57 02/06/2013 15:40 Underworld Cream 15 -- 1:12:29 mins



Playlist 131226/143850

1 Loser - BECK 3:49 01/09/2013 13:05 1 01/09/201 -- 0:03:49 mins
2 LoveMeAgain01 6:36 01/09/2013 13:49 1 01/09/20 -- 0:10:25 mins
3 Pump It Pump (Mi.Be Remix) 6:21 02/09/2012 19:03 A -- 0:16:46 mins
4 I Need You So (Aboutblank & Klc Original Mix) 6:05 -- 0:22:51 mins
5 Foxx 3:15 01/09/2013 13:25 1 01/09/2013 13:28 -- 0:26:06 mins
6 Can\'T Hold Us 4:19 30/06/2013 20:03 Macklemore & -- 0:30:25 mins
7 Cannonball 3:21 27/04/2013 13:18 Showtek & Justin -- 0:33:46 mins
8 Big Bad Wolf (Dada Life Remix) 4:14 09/06/2012 23: -- 0:38:00 mins
9 Klangarussell 3:10 01/09/2013 13:26 -- 0:41:10 mins
10 Logical Step 7:16 26/11/2011 17:48 Solar Spectrum -- 0:48:26 mins
11 Made Of Sun (Stoneface & Terminal Remix) 3:31 01/0 -- 0:51:57 mins
12 Trouble, Neon Jungle 5:32 01/09/2013 13:46 -- 0:57:29 mins
13 Oh ja (tr Mix) 3:33 02/09/2012 19:26 Green Stuff 6 -- 1:01:02 mins
14 Wake Me Up - Avicii 4:31 01/09/2013 13:19 1 01 -- 1:05:33 mins
15 Dog Days Are Over 4:10 28/04/2013 17:14 Florence A -- 1:09:43 mins
16 Cowgirl 4:57 02/06/2013 15:40 Underworld Cream 15 -- 1:14:40 mins
17 120bpm indian flat3 2 6:00 28/04/2013 17:14 1 -- 1:20:40 mins
18 punjab knight rider 6:35 02/12/2012 20:42 punjab k -- 1:27:15 mins



Playlist 131226/143835

1 Hole In The Head (CDS) 3:40 05/11/2007 21:09 Sugab -- 0:03:40 mins
2 Hold On 2:58 14/03/2010 16:11 KT Tunstall Drastic -- 0:06:38 mins
3 Duck Sauce - Barbara Streisand (O-God Remix) 4:33 -- 0:11:11 mins
4 Afro-Left 7:35 07/06/2007 18:53 Leftfield 100 Left -- 0:18:46 mins
5 Strobe\'s Nanafushi 5:49 16/12/2012 17:25 Multi Tr -- 0:24:35 mins
6 Ray Of Light 4:36 15/09/2013 14:52 Madonna Greate -- 0:29:11 mins
7 cry me a river 6:10 12/06/2011 16:12 1 Blues -- 0:35:21 mins
8 RPM 38 behindthe cow 7:09 15/09/2013 14:50 Blu -- 0:42:30 mins
9 Groove Is In The Heart - Deee-Lite 3:52 15/09/2013 -- 0:46:22 mins
10 Saturn - Original Mix 7:48 03/04/2011 17:08 Sebast -- 0:54:10 mins
11 Only Girl (In The World) (Radio Edit) 3:56 04/12/2 -- 0:58:06 mins
12 Love is gone (Fred Rister & Jo 3:21 26/11/2011 17: -- 1:01:27 mins
13 5 Years Time 3:35 12/12/2012 11:58 Noah And The Wh -- 1:05:02 mins
14 your not in the room 3:35 09/11/2011 15:31 -- 1:08:37 mins
15 Faster Kill Pussycat 3:41 15/09/2013 15:02 Paul Oa -- 1:12:18 mins
16 Otherland 6:52 26/11/2011 17:48 Solar Spectrum 80 -- 1:19:10 mins
17 Sexy Bitch (Featuring Akon) 3:16 15/09/2013 14:56 -- 1:22:26 mins
18 Good Times (With Jimmy Barnes) 3:54 26/11/2011 16: -- 1:26:20 mins



Playlist 131226/143820

1 Blurred Lines (feat. T.I. & Pharrell) 4:23 13/10/2 -- 0:04:23 mins
2 Hole In The Head (CDS) 3:40 05/11/2007 21:09 Sugab -- 0:08:03 mins
3 extract_pace_to_sprint 2:25 11/09/2011 20:31 -- 0:10:28 mins
4 extract_pace_to_sprint 2:25 11/09/2011 20:31 -- 0:12:53 mins
5 extract_pace_to_sprint 2:25 11/09/2011 20:31 -- 0:15:18 mins
6 Painkiller 6:51 26/11/2011 18:17 Freestylers Rpm -- 0:22:09 mins
7 Alors on Danse 3:28 13/09/2010 07:09 Stromae Alor -- 0:25:37 mins
8 Voodoo People (Pendulum Remix) 5:08 10/03/2013 15: -- 0:30:45 mins
9 EatSleepRaveRepeat2 2:52 13/10/2013 15:50 2 Blu -- 0:33:37 mins
10 Booyahxx 5:31 13/10/2013 14:55 3 Blues 17/11/20 -- 0:39:08 mins
11 Poison (Radio Edit) 3:48 09/01/2011 13:44 Nicole S -- 0:42:56 mins
12 Fools Gold 4:19 02/12/2012 20:52 The Stone Roses -- 0:47:15 mins
13 move on up 3:51 02/12/2012 20:53 primal scream - s -- 0:51:06 mins
14 Fade Into Darkness 3:35 09/06/2012 23:16 Avicii C -- 0:54:41 mins
15 Ocean Of Sadness - Original Mix 8:49 13/10/2013 15 -- 1:03:30 mins
16 Lonely Boy 3:13 27/03/2012 06:24 The Black Keys E -- 1:06:43 mins



Playlist 131226/143800

1 Blurred Lines (feat. T.I. & Pharrell) 4:23 20/10/2 -- 0:04:23 mins
2 Good Feeling (Jaywalker Dub Mix) 4:52 09/03/2013 1 -- 0:09:15 mins
3 Copy Control Cat - Phatjak Remix 8:09 05/02/2012 1 -- 0:17:24 mins
4 Booyahxx 5:31 13/10/2013 14:55 3 Blues MPEG aud -- 0:22:55 mins
5 Levels Of Existence 6:36 26/11/2011 18:03 Solar Sp -- 0:29:31 mins
6 Underdog 4:33 03/04/2011 17:21 Kasabian Mastermix -- 0:34:04 mins
7 EatSleepRaveRepeat2 2:52 13/10/2013 15:50 2 Blu -- 0:36:56 mins
8 Prototype (Original Mix) 5:00 20/10/2013 13:44 Don -- 0:41:56 mins
9 Louder (Hardwell Remix) 3:43 03/04/2012 07:12 DJ F -- 0:45:39 mins
10 Three Triangles 4:00 01/01/2013 20:57 Hardwell 100 -- 0:49:39 mins
11 Sun To Me (Mark Knight Remix) 7:44 12/12/2012 12:1 -- 0:57:23 mins
12 Raindrops (Encore une fois) [Extended Mix] 5:15 20 -- 1:02:38 mins
13 Dog Days Are Over 4:10 28/04/2013 17:14 Florence A -- 1:06:48 mins
14 eup_cd2o02 6:24 15/08/2007 21:57 60 3 Spinninter -- 1:13:12 mins
15 Otherland 6:52 26/11/2011 17:48 Solar Spectrum 80 -- 1:20:04 mins
16 Propane Nightmares 5:13 03/04/2011 17:18 Pendulum -- 1:25:17 mins
17 Fools Gold 4:19 02/12/2012 20:52 The Stone Roses -- 1:29:36 mins
18 5 Years Time 3:35 12/12/2012 11:58 Noah And The Wh -- 1:33:11 mins
19 You Make Me 3:53 27/10/2013 16:19 Avicii You Make -- 1:37:04 mins
20 JohnNewman-Cheating 6:39 27/10/2013 16:27 Blue -- 1:43:43 mins



Playlist 131226/143742

1 JohnNewman-Cheating 6:39 27/10/2013 16:27 Blue -- 0:06:39 mins
2 You Make Me 3:53 27/10/2013 16:49 Avicii You Make -- 0:10:32 mins
3 Faithless 10:47 16/07/2007 21:32 Salva Mea 80 Spin -- 0:21:19 mins
4 donna summer i feel love 3:48 15/08/2007 21:55 -- 0:25:07 mins
5 Can\'T Hold Us 4:19 30/06/2013 20:03 Macklemore & -- 0:29:26 mins
6 Prototype (Original Mix) 5:00 20/10/2013 13:44 Don -- 0:34:26 mins
7 Good Feeling 4:07 26/11/2011 17:03 Flo Rida Good -- 0:38:33 mins
8 Christopher Lawrence 6:21 16/07/2007 21:36 Rush Ho -- 0:44:54 mins
9 Keep Your Boots On 3:13 12/06/2011 16:19 Bodyrocke -- 0:48:07 mins
10 Dog Days Are Over 4:10 28/04/2013 17:14 Florence A -- 0:52:17 mins
11 Place Your Hands 3:38 22/05/2007 22:22 Reef Indie -- 0:55:55 mins
12 5 Years Time 3:35 12/12/2012 11:58 Noah And The Wh -- 0:59:30 mins
13 Blurred Lines (feat. T.I. & Pharrell) 4:23 20/10/2 -- 1:03:53 mins
14 Otherland 6:52 26/11/2011 17:48 Solar Spectrum 80 -- 1:10:45 mins
15 Psykosonik 3:23 16/07/2007 21:34 Panik Kontrol Sp -- 1:14:08 mins
16 Logical Step 7:16 26/11/2011 17:48 Solar Spectrum -- 1:21:24 mins



Playlist 131226/143729

1 LoveMeAgain01 6:36 01/09/2013 13:49 1 MPEG aud -- 0:06:36 mins
2 JohnNewman-Cheating 6:39 27/10/2013 16:27 Blue -- 0:13:15 mins
3 You Make Me 3:53 27/10/2013 16:49 Avicii You Make -- 0:17:08 mins
4 Bangduck (Moguai Remix) 4:07 01/01/2013 20:57 Afro -- 0:21:15 mins
5 Booyahxx 5:31 13/10/2013 14:55 3 Blues MPEG aud -- 0:26:46 mins
6 Foxx 3:15 01/09/2013 13:25 1 MPEG audio file 0 -- 0:30:01 mins
7 Prototype (Original Mix) 5:00 20/10/2013 13:44 Don -- 0:35:01 mins
8 Work Bitch 4:08 17/11/2013 18:07 Britney Spears W -- 0:39:09 mins
9 Big Bad Wolf (Dada Life Remix) 4:14 09/06/2012 23: -- 0:43:23 mins
10 Personal Jesus 4:07 12/05/2007 11:47 Marilyn Manso -- 0:47:30 mins
11 donna summer i feel love 3:48 15/08/2007 21:55 -- 0:51:18 mins
12 Made Of Sun (Stoneface & Terminal Remix) 3:31 01/0 -- 0:54:49 mins
13 I\'m A Man (Album Mix) 4:33 30/06/2013 20:03 Black -- 0:59:22 mins
14 Wake Me Up - Avicii 4:31 01/09/2013 13:19 1 MP -- 1:03:53 mins
15 Sunchyme 6:07 18/08/2007 19:10 Dario G Rpm 35 1 E -- 1:10:00 mins
16 Logical Step 7:16 26/11/2011 17:48 Solar Spectrum -- 1:17:16 mins



Playlist 131226/143708

1 Stone Roses - Waterfall (12 Mix) 5:35 05/02/2012 1 -- 0:05:35 mins
2 U Know Y 7:17 12/05/2007 11:47 Moguai 7 Spinncli -- 0:12:52 mins
3 AnimalsBite 2:00 24/11/2013 17:35 2 Blues MPEG -- 0:14:52 mins
4 row002_18Olive 6:41 22/01/2012 15:15 4 MPEG au -- 0:21:33 mins
5 Work Bitch 4:08 17/11/2013 18:07 Britney Spears W -- 0:25:41 mins
6 rob d 4:26 16/06/2007 12:51 clubbed to death 100 T -- 0:30:07 mins
7 Underdog 4:33 03/04/2011 17:21 Kasabian Mastermix -- 0:34:40 mins
8 Sunshine of Your Love (DT\'s Radio Edit) 3:16 05/0 -- 0:37:56 mins
9 Supermassive Black Hole 3:29 22/05/2007 22:22 Muse -- 0:41:25 mins
10 Belsunce breakdown 3:58 12/06/2011 16:20 Bouga-Akh -- 0:45:23 mins
11 Animals 4:55 24/11/2013 17:35 Blues MPEG audio -- 0:50:18 mins
12 Phatt Bass - Warp Brothers Phatt Mix 3:34 11/09/20 -- 0:53:52 mins
13 Mpire (Original Mix) 6:25 02/06/2013 15:53 Moguai -- 1:00:17 mins
14 TwoTribes 3:52 24/11/2013 17:36 Blues MPEG aud -- 1:04:09 mins
15 smells like teen spirit 6:46 09/11/2011 15:22 smel -- 1:10:55 mins
16 Praise You 5:24 31/07/2011 17:11 Fatboy Slim You\ -- 1:16:19 mins
17 Fools Gold 4:19 05/02/2012 18:04 Stone Roses The -- 1:20:38 mins
18 C\'mon 5:14 12/02/2011 17:49 Tiësto Vs Diplo 100 S -- 1:25:52 mins
19 Greyhound (Original Mix) 6:50 03/04/2012 07:14 Swe -- 1:32:42 mins
20 BT 7:49 16/07/2007 21:35 Various Artists Spinning -- 1:40:31 mins
21 Alors on Danse 3:28 13/09/2010 07:09 Stromae Alor -- 1:43:59 mins
22 Ocean Of Sadness - Original Mix 8:49 22/05/2007 22 -- 1:52:48 mins
23 Saturn - Original Mix 7:48 02/12/2012 20:51 Sebast -- 2:00:36 mins
24 Logical Step 7:16 26/11/2011 17:48 Solar Spectrum -- 2:07:52 mins
25 Burn it to the Ground 3:31 14/03/2010 16:19 Nickel -- 2:11:23 mins
26 Round And Round 3:24 12/06/2011 16:19 Bodyrockers -- 2:14:47 mins
27 Booyahxx 5:31 13/10/2013 14:55 3 Blues MPEG aud -- 2:20:18 mins



Playlist 131226/143653

1 Track 02 6:00 22/05/2007 22:22 spinn_feb2006 spin -- 0:06:00 mins
2 Bom Bom (Radio Edit) 2:54 16/12/2012 16:56 Sam and -- 0:08:54 mins
3 Cowgirl 4:57 02/06/2013 15:40 Underworld Cream 15 -- 0:13:51 mins
4 RedFaceTR01 2:45 15/12/2013 19:13 Blues MPEG a -- 0:16:36 mins
5 Confusion 8:23 11/09/2011 20:34 New Order Blade S -- 0:24:59 mins
6 I Can Only Imagine 3:35 06/08/2012 22:00 David Gue -- 0:28:34 mins
7 punjab knight rider 6:35 02/12/2012 20:42 punjab k -- 0:35:09 mins
8 AnimalsBite 2:00 24/11/2013 17:35 2 Blues MPEG -- 0:37:09 mins
9 Tick Tick Boom 3:25 15/12/2013 17:24 The Hives Th -- 0:40:34 mins
10 Round And Round 3:24 12/06/2011 16:19 Bodyrockers -- 0:43:58 mins
11 Fade Into Darkness 3:35 09/06/2012 23:16 Avicii C -- 0:47:33 mins
12 MoguaiTR01 4:33 15/12/2013 19:13 Blues MPEG au -- 0:52:06 mins
13 the race 8:12 15/08/2007 21:55 yello 100 the race -- 1:00:18 mins
14 DANi CALFORNiA 4:40 22/05/2007 22:22 RED H0T CHiLi -- 1:04:58 mins
15 On The Run (2Phaze Remix) 7:05 02/09/2012 19:03 Vi -- 1:12:03 mins



Playlist 131226/143637

1 Mr. E\'s Beautiful Blues (Untitled) 3:59 23/06/200 -- 0:03:59 mins
2 Basement Jaxx - Rendez-Vu 5:44 09/04/2012 17:04 Va -- 0:09:43 mins
3 Breathe 4:29 02/06/2013 15:40 The Prodigy Cream 1 -- 0:14:12 mins
4 Running In Time - Deepsky 6:54 10/09/2012 18:11 Va -- 0:21:06 mins
5 Painkiller 6:51 26/11/2011 18:17 Freestylers Rpm -- 0:27:57 mins
6 Track 06 show you what i\'m capable of 3:30 12/05/ -- 0:31:27 mins
7 Fire 4:12 22/12/2013 16:19 Kasabian Fire - EP Al -- 0:35:39 mins
8 BTx2 11:20 22/12/2013 16:16 BTx2 BTx2 BTx2 MPEG -- 0:46:59 mins
9 David Arkenstone 3:36 30/09/2007 15:28 Companions -- 0:50:35 mins
10 Track 13 breath 3:49 22/12/2013 15:43 Audio CD -- 0:54:24 mins
11 Strobe\'s Nanafushi 6:06 16/12/2012 17:33 Multi Tr -- 1:00:30 mins
12 johnleehooker2 2:40 22/12/2013 16:01 Blues MPE -- 1:03:10 mins
13 muddywaters manish boy 3:58 22/12/2013 16:00 -- 1:07:08 mins



Playlist 131226/143618

1 Stone Roses - Waterfall (12 Mix) 5:35 05/02/2012 1 -- 0:05:35 mins
2 U Know Y 7:17 12/05/2007 11:47 Moguai 7 Spinncli -- 0:12:52 mins
3 AnimalsBite 2:00 24/11/2013 17:35 2 Blues MPEG -- 0:14:52 mins
4 row002_18Olive 6:41 22/01/2012 15:15 4 MPEG au -- 0:21:33 mins
5 Work Bitch 4:08 24/11/2013 18:28 Britney Spears W -- 0:25:41 mins
6 rob d 4:26 16/06/2007 12:51 clubbed to death 100 T -- 0:30:07 mins
7 Underdog 4:33 03/04/2011 17:21 Kasabian Mastermix -- 0:34:40 mins
8 Supermassive Black Hole 3:29 22/05/2007 22:22 Muse -- 0:38:09 mins
9 Belsunce breakdown 3:58 12/06/2011 16:20 Bouga-Akh -- 0:42:07 mins
10 Animals 4:55 24/11/2013 17:35 Blues MPEG audio -- 0:47:02 mins
11 Greyhound (Original Mix) 6:50 03/04/2012 07:14 Swe -- 0:53:52 mins
12 BT 7:49 16/07/2007 21:35 Various Artists Spinning -- 1:01:41 mins
13 Fools Gold 4:19 05/02/2012 18:04 Stone Roses The -- 1:06:00 mins
14 Phatt Bass - Warp Brothers Phatt Mix 3:34 11/09/20 -- 1:09:34 mins
15 Mpire (Original Mix) 6:25 02/06/2013 15:53 Moguai -- 1:15:59 mins
16 smells like teen spirit 6:46 09/11/2011 15:22 smel -- 1:22:45 mins
17 C\'mon 5:14 12/02/2011 17:49 Tiësto Vs Diplo 100 S -- 1:27:59 mins
18 Alors on Danse 3:28 13/09/2010 07:09 Stromae Alor -- 1:31:27 mins
19 Ocean Of Sadness - Original Mix 8:49 22/05/2007 22 -- 1:40:16 mins
20 Saturn - Original Mix 7:48 02/12/2012 20:51 Sebast -- 1:48:04 mins
21 Logical Step 7:16 26/11/2011 17:48 Solar Spectrum -- 1:55:20 mins



Playlist 131226/143558

1 Track 02 6:00 22/05/2007 22:22 spinn_feb2006 spin -- 0:06:00 mins
2 Bom Bom (Radio Edit) 2:54 16/12/2012 16:56 Sam and -- 0:08:54 mins
3 Cowgirl 4:57 02/06/2013 15:40 Underworld Cream 15 -- 0:13:51 mins
4 RedFaceTR01 2:45 15/12/2013 19:13 Blues -- 0:16:36 mins
5 Confusion 8:23 11/09/2011 20:34 New Order Blade S -- 0:24:59 mins
6 I Can Only Imagine 3:35 06/08/2012 22:00 David Gue -- 0:28:34 mins
7 punjab knight rider 6:35 02/12/2012 20:42 punjab k -- 0:35:09 mins
8 AnimalsBite 2:00 24/11/2013 17:35 2 Blues 15/12 -- 0:37:09 mins
9 Tick Tick Boom 3:25 15/12/2013 17:24 The Hives Th -- 0:40:34 mins
10 Round And Round 3:24 12/06/2011 16:19 Bodyrockers -- 0:43:58 mins
11 Fade Into Darkness 3:35 09/06/2012 23:16 Avicii C -- 0:47:33 mins
12 MoguaiTR01 4:33 15/12/2013 19:13 Blues -- 0:52:06 mins
13 the race 8:12 15/08/2007 21:55 yello 100 the race -- 1:00:18 mins
14 DANi CALFORNiA 4:40 22/05/2007 22:22 RED H0T CHiLi -- 1:04:58 mins
15 On The Run (2Phaze Remix) 7:05 02/09/2012 19:03 Vi -- 1:12:03 mins
16 BT 7:49 16/07/2007 21:35 Various Artists Spinning -- 1:19:52 mins
17 Track 10 4:12 22/05/2007 22:22 spinn_feb2006 spin -- 1:24:04 mins


Tuesday 24 September 2013

Local triathletes tough it out for a place in the European Championships

Local triathletes tough it out for a place in the European Championships

Local triathletes Tim Rogers and Lorna Gwilt took part in Anglian Water Standard Distance Triathlon with the aim of qualifying for 2014 Kitzbühel ETU Standard Distance Triathlon European Championships

Lorna Gwilt is in her debut year and learning and improving very quickly. Having only taken-up Triathlon recently she’s shown great determination and commitment to take part in all the qualifying races for  both European and World Championships and has amassed a lot of experience in just a few months of racing.

Rogers is a former Commonwealth Games triathlete but retired after 2006 and took up rowing. This is his come-back race with an eye towards future European and World Championships.

Rogers said “I feel like a complete beginner again and made a few mistakes.  Lorna was much more organised than me with bike set-up, food and race planning. I think she has a lot of potential”

The race was on the calm Anglian Water Reservoir but sunrise made spotting the buoys very difficult and Rogers missed the last turn buoy and had to swim back out to complete the course. Gwilt also had a difficult swim in a combative and aggressive group, and exited the water slower than her previous performances, but still made the top 10 of her age-group.

As a spinning instructor and Rogers was dominant on the bike, completing the 40km in just over 57minutes. Rogers explained “I damaged by achillies in an ill-judged  track-session and knew my run would be compromised so I had to make sure that my bike effort was really good”

Lorna completed the bike section in 1hour 13mins, inside the top 20 for her group, and went on to complete the course with a 10k run in 46minutes and an overall time of 2hours 28minutes placing her 13th in her group.

Rogers knowing that automatic qualification is awarded to the first four eligible athletes in each age group, struggled to keep position on the run. “I knew that providing I got into the top four  it didn’t matter what my time was, so I just focused on not letting anyone who looked to be in my age-group getting past!” Rogers completed the run in a slow 41minutes, but it was enough.

Rogers’s efforts were rewarded by placing 1st in the 45-49 age-group and thus guaranteeing his place at Kitzbühel ETU Standard Distance Triathlon European Championships.

“I am delighted with the result, but placing first in a qualifying race is no guarantee of winning the European Championships and I have a lot of work to do this winter and next year. It is going to be like re-starting all over again as a beginner and I am really looking forward to it. I’d really like to be able to go sub 1:58 next year, but we’ll have to see how my training goes.”


Tim HJ Rogers
Athletes Representative
Commonwealth Games Association Jersey
Mobile: 07797762051


Lorna’s  information

Tim’s  information

Race information

Monday 23 September 2013

ETU Qualifiers Review

ETU Qualifiers Review

Training for the European Triathlon Championships

I am thinking about participating in 2014 ETU Triathlon European Standard Distance Championships (Kitzbühel, Austria June 19 2014 - June 22 2014) by competing in Anglian Water Standard Distance Triathlon - 22 September 2013.

Review 23 September 2013

About the Race
Swim 24mins, Bike sub 58mins, Run sub 42mins = 2:05 Total.
I had a good start to the swim, working hard for 300meters and then getting into an excellent group of faster swimmers and getting pulled along for about 700meters. However on the turn for home I missed the buoy and had to head back out to make the final turn that I had missed. This cost me at least 1 minute, maybe more but I finished with a good time nonetheless. A bit disappointed it wasn’t an excellent time.

My transition was very poor due to lack of practice. I was slow getting the wetsuit off and messy with the bike and helmet. This is something I need to improve.

The bike was hard and I was surprised to go sub-58 since there were a few hills were I crawled up at 10 mph. However the flat was good and at times I reached 57kph. I choked on fuel because I couldn’t eat and breath at the same time. I felt sick and didn’t drink enough. I was de-hydrated on the run.

I dreaded the run since it was the first serious run since achillies problems 5-6 weeks ago. I was tentative at first, but found a rhythm albeit slow. I set-out with the aim of not letting anyone overtake me, unless they looked too young to be in my age group. I was racing for position rather than time.  42min for a 10K is poor, but the overall time might be good enough to get me in the top 4 and maybe qualify for ETU in 2014. However my hopes are slim since the fastest time for my age group was 1:57, making my 2:05 look a bit pathetic.

It makes you think when 50-55 age-group athletes race faster than Jersey’s Commonwealth Qualifying Time! My aim next year will be to get closer to this standard and 2:05 isn’t a bad starting point given the circumstances leading to the race

What went well (and I’d again next time!)  
•    Good swim draft
•    Good bike, dropped the gears and spun to avoid cramp
•    Gels on the bike worked well
•    Good feet out coming into transition
•    Shortened led stride and quickened pace on run

What went less well (and I’d do differently next time!)  
•    Poor swim navigation (don’t trust just to follow others!!)
•    Eating on the bike (choked)
•    Bad fuelling strategy (too much, too sickly)
•    Bad hydration strategy (not enough)
•    Bad bike prep – should have been ready in transition much earlier

Tim HJ Rogers

Friday 20 September 2013

ETU Qualifiers – Le Weekend!

ETU Qualifiers – Le Weekend!

Training for the European Triathlon Championships


I am thinking about participating in 2014 ETU Triathlon European Standard Distance Championships (Kitzbühel, Austria June 19 2014 - June 22 2014) by competing in Anglian Water Standard Distance Triathlon - 22 September 2013.

Update 20 September 2013
Well it is Le Weekend for the race! I’m really not as well prepared as a race like this deserves. But I’m booked and if the weather is nice I will enjoy a day out. Below is a summary of recent training, which has been dire, but below that is a playlist of the music I’ll be listening to for 3 hours travelling there and 3 hours travelling back. The race may be rubbish, but I’ll have 6 hours of listening to my favourite tunes!

Training Summary

 w/e date: 16/Jun/2013 swim: 3000mts bike: 108mi run: 25mi   row: 60k  7days: 17.3
 w/e date: 23/Jun/2013 swim: 2500mts bike: 120.3 run: 30mi   row: 0k   7days: 13.0
 w/e date: 30/Jun/2013 swim: 6100mts bike: 125mi run: 43.5mi row: 0k   7days: 16.4
 w/e date: 07/Jul/2013 swim: 7001mts bike: 54mi  run: 32mi   row: 0k   7days: 10.6
 w/e date: 14/Jul/2013 swim: 6300mts bike: 123mi run: 55.894 row: 0k   7days: 19.9
 w/e date: 21/Jul/2013 swim: 7100mts bike: 200mi run: 33.1mi row: 0k   7days: 19.1
 w/e date: 28/Jul/2013 swim: 7300mts bike: 137mi run: 38.8mi row: 0k   7days: 15.4
 w/e date: 04/Aug/2013 swim: 7700mts bike: 179mi run: 26.6mi row: 0k   7days: 18.3
 w/e date: 11/Aug/2013 swim: 7500mts bike: 139mi run: 10.5mi row: 0k   7days: 14.1
 w/e date: 18/Aug/2013 swim: 8100mts bike: 63mi  run: 0mi    row: 0k   7days: 8.2h
 w/e date: 25/Aug/2013 swim: 0mts    bike: 0mi   run: 0mi    row: 0k   7days: 3.4h
 w/e date: 01/Sep/2013 swim: 5400mts bike: 152mi run: 8mi    row: 0k   7days: 12.3
 w/e date: 08/Sep/2013 swim: 2000mts bike: 58mi  run: 6mi    row: 0k   7days: 4.35
 w/e date: 15/Sep/2013 swim: 6200mts bike: 108mi run: 23.875 row: 10k  7days: 14.1
 w/e date: 22/Sep/2013 swim: 1500mts bike: 73mi  run: 12mi   row: 0k   7days: 6.07


1 Back In Black 4:16 AC/DC Back In Black Rock -- 0:04:16 mins
2 You Shook Me All Night Long 3:30 AC/DC Back In Bla -- 0:07:46 mins
3 Rock And Roll Ain\'t Noise Pollution 4:14 AC/DC Ba -- 0:12:00 mins
4 Boogie Man 4:07 AC/DC Ballbreaker 10 -- 0:16:07 mins
5 Bedlam In Belgium 3:54 AC/DC Flick Of The Switch -- 0:20:01 mins
6 C.O.D. 3:20 Ac/Dc For Those About To Rock We Salut -- 0:23:21 mins
7 Live Wire 5:50 Ac/Dc High Voltage Hard Rock 8 -- 0:29:11 mins
8 Gone Shootin\' 5:06 AC/DC Powerage Rock & Roll -- 0:34:17 mins
9 Thunderstruck 4:53 AC/DC The Razor\'s Edge Rock & -- 0:39:10 mins
10 Fade Into Darkness 3:35 Avicii Cream Club Anthems -- 0:42:45 mins
11 Lonely Boy 3:13 The Black Keys El Camino Alternati -- 0:45:58 mins
12 Gold On The Ceiling 3:44 The Black Keys El Camino -- 0:49:42 mins
13 Money Maker 2:57 The Black Keys El Camino Alternat -- 0:52:39 mins
14 I\'m A Man (Album Mix) 4:33 Black Strobe Dj Promot -- 0:57:12 mins
15 In One Ear 4:01 Cage The Elephant Cage The Elephan -- 1:01:13 mins
16 Aint No Rest For The Wicked 2:56 Cage The Elephant -- 1:04:09 mins
17 Sun To Me (Mark Knight Remix) 7:44 Faithless Sun T -- 1:11:53 mins
18 The Joker 5:22 Fatboy Slim Feat. Bootsy Collins Pa -- 1:17:15 mins
19 Wonderful Night 4:47 Fatboy Slim Feat. Lateef Palo -- 1:22:02 mins
20 Tusk 3:35 Fleetwood Mac The Very Best of Fleetwood -- 1:25:37 mins
21 DARE 4:04 Gorillaz Demon Days Electronica/Dance 80 -- 1:29:41 mins
22 Elegantly Wasted 4:32 Inxs Elegantly wasted 1 -- 1:34:13 mins
23 New Sensation 3:40 INXS Kick Rock -- 1:37:53 mins
24 Devil Inside 5:15 INXS Kick Rock -- 1:43:08 mins
25 Need You Tonight 3:01 INXS Kick Rock -- 1:46:09 mins
26 Good Times (With Jimmy Barnes) 3:54 INXS Singles, -- 1:50:03 mins
27 Bitter Tears 3:50 Inxs X -- 1:53:53 mins
28 Better Together 3:28 Jack Johnson In Between Dream -- 1:57:21 mins
29 Banana Pancakes 3:12 Jack Johnson In Between Dream -- 2:00:33 mins
30 Good people 3:29 Jack Johnson In Between Dreams Po -- 2:04:02 mins
31 No Other Way 3:10 Jack Johnson In Between Dreams P -- 2:07:12 mins
32 Sitting, Waiting, Wishing 3:04 Jack Johnson In Bet -- 2:10:16 mins
33 Situations 1:17 Jack Johnson In Between Dreams Pop -- 2:11:33 mins
34 If I Could 2:25 Jack Johnson In Between Dreams Pop -- 2:13:58 mins
35 Breakdown 3:33 Jack Johnson In Between Dreams Pop -- 2:17:31 mins
36 Do You Remember 2:25 Jack Johnson In Between Dream -- 2:19:56 mins
37 Constellations 3:22 Jack Johnson In Between Dreams -- 2:23:18 mins
38 Lighting Bolt 2:24 Jake Bugg Jake Bugg Rock 2 -- 2:25:42 mins
39 Ray Of Light 4:36 Madonna Greatest Hits Volume 2 D -- 2:30:18 mins
40 Mpire (Original Mix) 6:25 Moguai Mpire Progressive -- 2:36:43 mins
41 Va Va Voom 2:57 Nicki Minaj Workout Mix 2 Dance & -- 2:39:40 mins
42 Cigarettes And Alcohol 4:51 Oasis Indie Anthems Al -- 2:44:31 mins
43 Track 02 4:00 oasis - morning glory oasis - mornin -- 2:48:31 mins
44 Track 03 4:19 oasis - morning glory oasis - mornin -- 2:52:50 mins
45 Heart Attack And Vine 4:27 Screamin\' Jay Hawkins -- 2:57:17 mins
46 Cut My Wings 3:23 Seasick Steve Dog House Music -- 3:00:40 mins
47 Dog House Boogie 3:32 Seasick Steve Dog House Musi -- 3:04:12 mins
48 My Donny 4:02 Seasick Steve Dog House Music -- 3:08:14 mins
49 Big Green And Yeller 4:16 Seasick Steve Man From A -- 3:12:30 mins
50 Happy (To Have A Job) 3:07 Seasick Steve Man From -- 3:15:37 mins
51 The Banjo Song 3:31 Seasick Steve Man From Another -- 3:19:08 mins
52 That\'s All 4:39 Seasick Steve Man From Another Ti -- 3:23:47 mins
53 Seasick Boogie / I\'m So Lonesome I Could Cry 10:3 -- 3:33:50 mins
54 Whole Lotta Love 3:22 Smash Mouth Get The Picture? -- 3:37:12 mins
55 All Star 3:14 Smash Mouth 1 -- 3:40:26 mins
56 Walkin\' On The Sun 3:24 Smash Mouth -- 3:43:50 mins
57 Superstition 4:24 Stevie Wonder Supa Funky: Mixed -- 3:48:14 mins
58 Desmond Dekker - Israellites 2:34 Various Artists -- 3:50:48 mins
59 Jerry Lee Lewis - Great Balls Of Fire 1:46 Various -- 3:52:34 mins
60 One Week of Danger 2:46 The Virgins 1 -- 3:55:20 mins
61 Loser - BECK 3:49 1 -- 3:59:09 mins
62 Wake Me Up - Avicii 4:31 1 -- 4:03:40 mins

Tim HJ Rogers