Tuesday 7 January 2014

New Music, New Focus, Improved Results

Looking for your recommendations of great music to spinn to for 2014. I am also planning to make the sessions a bit more structured, almost like a training plan, to suit those who come regularly. Initial thoughts are strength focus and over-gearing work for Winter base work in Jan, with some intervals to stimulate fast-twitch muscle development perhaps starting from Feb.Suggestions and requests welcome. Sessions are 5:30 and 6:30 Mon at FF and 5:45 Wed at BodyRox

So instead of pulling together great music and then making it into a set, I will make a great set and then find the music to fit.

This is the strength / over-gear plan

5mins Warm-up Track 6/10 effort

10mins Hard Over-Geared in the saddle 8/10 effort as 2 x 5- 6 min Tracks I could find one long track but that is mentally tough. Two short tracks will be just as hard if people work throughout and continuous.

4mins Recovery Track 6-7/10 effort

10mins Hard 8/10 effort similar to above, but will make this into a hill and get out of the saddle so that it feels different and breaks-up the session a bit, but still demands hard continuos work.

4mins Recovery Track 6-7/10 effort

10mins Hard Over-Geared in the saddle similar to above, but different tracks

5mins Warm-down Track 6/10 effort

This is the intervals to stimulate fast-twitch muscle plan

Will need to edit music so that it isn't a whole track but a section for exactly the right time. This will require work and for simplicity will probably use the same tracks for the second half as the first half

5mins Warm-up Track 6/10 effort
4mins fast TrackA then 2mins recovery
3mins fast TrackB then 2mins recovery
2mins fast TrackC then 2mins recovery
1mins fast TrackD then 2mins recovery
2mins fast TrackC then 2mins recovery
3mins fast TrackB then 2mins recovery
4mins fast TrackA then 2mins recovery
5mins Warm-down Track 6/10 effort

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